Multiplayer - Bug Report

Radar and BVR only working for Gamehost


Thanks for this awesome Mod! We could enjoy the Muliplayer-gaming even more. The Host of the Game is able to see BVR and lock the Targets on the Radar. The joined Players are not able to see Targets on the Radar. The joined Players are able to see Targets (and lock on there Signals) on the Arad as well as the Host. We testet this with AGM-88 .... The joined Players are able to see Targets on the NAV. So nobody accept the Host is not able to attack with AMRAAMs... All tests were made with the F/A-26B. Is this a common Problem? Maybe we are just too stupid for an easy Workaround!

Reproduction Steps

Affecting Mod Version: 2.8.1
Severity: Minor
Status: Open