BYO Joystick

Provides extensive control remapping support with a friendly UI

Updated for VTOL VR 1.10.1.

BYO Joystick allows you to use your HOTAS, keyboard, and other input devices with VTOL VR.

It has a user friendly interface for binding controls on a per aircraft basis and supports both multiplayer and multicrew vehicles.

NOTE: For any bug reports either join the VTOL VR modding Discord or post an issue on GitHub.


  • frdhog of Triquetra Input for showing what can be done
  • Thanks to for extensive testing and bugfinding

Change Log

Updated for VTOL VR 1.10.1, added number input support by sicsix

Aug. 4, 2024, 1:47 a.m.

{'version': {'orig': '1.1.5', 'new': '1.2.0'}, 'user_uploaded_file': {'orig': <FieldFile: uploaded_files/rhWNx1IO99/>, 'new': <FieldFile:>}}

Fixed F-45A occasionally unable to find TSD, fixed unable to find helmet after rearm in MP by sicsix

July 3, 2024, 12:12 a.m.

{'version': {'orig': '1.1.4', 'new': '1.1.5'}, 'user_uploaded_file': {'orig': <FieldFile: uploaded_files/ap46Uu5Cpw/>, 'new': <FieldFile:>}}

Improved throttle/joystick behaviour in MP, fixed EF-24G rear in MP by sicsix

July 2, 2024, 6:11 a.m.

{'version': {'orig': '1.1.3', 'new': '1.1.4'}, 'user_uploaded_file': {'orig': <FieldFile: uploaded_files/uxcf5GlEZQ/>, 'new': <FieldFile:>}}

Improved multicrew handling, fixed jettison buttons, switch cover animation, inverted radar 'zoom' by sicsix

June 30, 2024, 11:04 p.m.

{'version': {'orig': '1.1.2', 'new': '1.1.3'}, 'user_uploaded_file': {'orig': <FieldFile: uploaded_files/54wLTSXFJ9/>, 'new': <FieldFile:>}}

Fixed broken T-55 multicrew by sicsix

June 29, 2024, 12:37 a.m.

{'version': {'orig': '1.1.1', 'new': '1.1.2'}, 'user_uploaded_file': {'orig': <FieldFile: uploaded_files/Ae8i6xrpo8/>, 'new': <FieldFile:>}}

See GitHub by sicsix

June 28, 2024, 9:51 p.m.

{'version': {'orig': '1.1.0', 'new': '1.1.1'}, 'user_uploaded_file': {'orig': <FieldFile: uploaded_files/0neBIlub0M/>, 'new': <FieldFile:>}}

New controls, minor fixes by sicsix

June 28, 2024, 12:32 a.m.


* Joystick yaw now included when determining if the stick has been 'grabbed' * Added Arming Mode Toggle action (EF-24) * Added TSD TGP/EOTS and GPS-S actions (EF-24, F-45A)

{'version': {'orig': '1.0.0', 'new': '1.1.0'}, 'user_uploaded_file': {'orig': <FieldFile: uploaded_files/vyyu4onGuB/>, 'new': <FieldFile:>}}

Version: 1.2.0
Author: sicsix
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