FA26B Block 3

Hornet Vibes

Some neat features

Third MFD:

Increase your situational awareness by having a whole-ass third MFD!

Air to Sea Radar:

There's two new buttons on the radar page! The "SEA" button toggles into the sea radar and changes the scan line to orange. The "GPS-S" buttons creates a GPS point on the currently locked sea target. If the sea target is moving, it will set the GPS point further ahead of the target in order to increase the chances of the AGM-89 to hit it.

Jettison Knob:

Similar to the jettison knob in the F-45, you're able to quickly decide when and what to jettison.

Master mode buttons:

A triad of buttons that selects or deselects weapons depending on what situation you find yourself in. With the added benefit of deselecting pylons that are empty

  • ALL: Selects all of your weapons
  • AIR: Selects air to air weapons
  • GND: Selects air to ground weapons

Damage MMFD page:

A new MMFD page that displays the current health of major components

Dampened flight controls when refueling

Flipping the refuel port switch reduces the joystick sensitivity and decreases the engine spool rate in order to make the daunting task of aerial refueling a little more bearable

Mod Settings:

Switch MMFDs: If enabled, switches the position of the left and right mini MFDs

Works with official multiplayer!

Thanks to Danku for testing the mod when I was too lazy. May he forever be a funkmaster

Change Log

1.7 fix (Thanks danku uwu) by Afroman

Sept. 1, 2023, 3:38 a.m.


-Fixed some Interactables not working -Made it easier to interact with radar knob (Updated .surg file to move the CenterDashBound)

{'version': {'orig': '1.5.1', 'new': '1.5.2'}, 'user_uploaded_file': {'orig': <FieldFile: uploaded_files/zZKAEwDKfP/FA26B_Block_3.zip>, 'new': <FieldFile: block3.zip>}}

Added Air to Sea Radar by Afroman

Feb. 21, 2022, 5:50 a.m.


-Added Air to Sea Radar

{'version': {'orig': '1.5.0', 'new': '1.5.1'}, 'user_uploaded_file': {'orig': <FieldFile: uploaded_files/Kp7XC8mJrR/FA26B_Block_3.zip>, 'new': <FieldFile: Block3.zip>}}

Updating for official multiplayer by Afroman

Jan. 6, 2022, 8:43 p.m.


-Changed the assetbundles to single pass instanced -Added air to sea radar and a GPS send button to the radar mfd page

{'version': {'orig': '1.4.1', 'new': '1.5.0'}, 'user_uploaded_file': {'orig': <FieldFile: uploaded_files/lEVz52xLOd/FA26B_Block_3.zip>, 'new': <FieldFile: Block3.zip>}}

Changed some patches so you don't need vtpatcher to run by Afroman

Oct. 16, 2021, 8:57 p.m.



{'version': {'orig': '1.4.0', 'new': '1.4.1'}, 'user_uploaded_file': {'orig': <FieldFile: uploaded_files/m1x5yyz0Ia/FA26B_Block_3.zip>, 'new': <FieldFile: ThirdMfd.zip>}}

Added dampened flight controls when opening the fuel port by Afroman

Oct. 16, 2021, 5:10 a.m.


-Added function to the refuel port switch where it will reduce the joystick sensitivity and engine spool rate (to hopefully make it easier to refuel)

{'version': {'orig': '1.3.1', 'new': '1.4.0'}, 'user_uploaded_file': {'orig': <FieldFile: uploaded_files/b7CSatTUhf/FA26_Block_3.zip>, 'new': <FieldFile: ThirdMfd.zip>}}

Added ability to switch MMFD positions by Afroman

Sept. 12, 2021, 10:16 p.m.


-Added ability to switch the positions of the MMFDs -Changed the name of the mod

{'version': {'orig': '1.3.0', 'new': '1.3.1'}, 'user_uploaded_file': {'orig': <FieldFile: uploaded_files/WDSrj0ENVk/Third_MFD_in_FA26.zip>, 'new': <FieldFile: ThirdMfd.zip>}}

Added new Master Mode buttons and fixed the MMFDs by Afroman

Sept. 12, 2021, 9:16 p.m.


-Added three new master mode buttons to select/deselect weapons -Fixed MMFDs buggin out like crazy

{'version': {'orig': '1.2.2', 'new': '1.3.0'}}

Added new Master Mode buttons and fixed the MMFDs by Afroman

Sept. 12, 2021, 9:16 p.m.


-Added three new master mode buttons to select/deselect weapons -Fixed MMFDs buggin out like crazy

{'user_uploaded_file': {'orig': <FieldFile: uploaded_files/mLC80mSoeb/Third_MFD_in_FA26.zip>, 'new': <FieldFile: ThirdMfd.zip>}}

Added extra check so the new MMFD page doesn't show up in nighthawk by Afroman

Sept. 5, 2021, 11:59 p.m.

{'version': {'orig': '1.2.1', 'new': '1.2.2'}, 'user_uploaded_file': {'orig': <FieldFile: uploaded_files/vRioqOcfAI/Third_MFD_in_FA26.zip>, 'new': <FieldFile: ThirdMfd.zip>}}

Updating assembly reference and changing which function to patch by Afroman

Sept. 5, 2021, 3:10 a.m.

{'version': {'orig': '1.2.0', 'new': '1.2.1'}, 'user_uploaded_file': {'orig': <FieldFile: uploaded_files/lLCRP0P28X/Third_MFD_in_FA26.zip>, 'new': <FieldFile: ThirdMfd.zip>}}

Updating version number by Afroman

Sept. 5, 2021, 2:30 a.m.

{'version': {'orig': '1.1.3', 'new': '1.2.0'}, 'user_uploaded_file': {'orig': <FieldFile: uploaded_files/MkdkTApWQV/Third_MFD_in_FA26.zip>, 'new': <FieldFile: ThirdMfd.zip>}}

Added new mini MFD page! by Afroman

Sept. 5, 2021, 2:28 a.m.


-Created a "Damage" mini mfd page for the RWR mmfd

{'user_uploaded_file': {'orig': <FieldFile: uploaded_files/hJ5U7RJ93s/Third_MFD_in_FA26.zip>, 'new': <FieldFile: ThirdMfd.zip>}}

Fixed jettison knob initially jettisoning everything by Afroman

Sept. 2, 2021, 7:29 p.m.


-Fixed the jettison knob initially jettisoning all the stores if you didn't rotate the knob

{'version': {'orig': '1.1.2', 'new': '1.1.3'}, 'user_uploaded_file': {'orig': <FieldFile: uploaded_files/B8TSLmlXRg/Third_MFD_in_FA26.zip>, 'new': <FieldFile: ThirdMfd.zip>}}

Fixed the mod not loading by Afroman

Aug. 15, 2021, 2:18 p.m.


-Removed some code that was nulling -Reduced file size of the assetbundle

{'version': {'orig': '1.1.1', 'new': '1.1.2'}, 'user_uploaded_file': {'orig': <FieldFile: uploaded_files/3jWhTpvjWI/Third_MFD_in_FA26.zip>, 'new': <FieldFile: ThirdMfd.zip>}}

3rd MFD mod now compatable with the nighthawk by Afroman

Aug. 12, 2021, 6:19 a.m.


-Fixed 3rd mfd running when a custom plane is spawned in (note, currently does not work with the f16 but should work with future aircraft that use le template)

{'user_uploaded_file': {'orig': <FieldFile: uploaded_files/ZtvyItJSXI/Third_MFD_in_FA26.zip>, 'new': <FieldFile: ThirdMfd.zip>}}

3rd MFD mod now compatable with the nighthawk by Afroman

Aug. 12, 2021, 6:19 a.m.


-Fixed 3rd mfd running when a custom plane is spawned in (note, currently does not work with the f16 but should work with future aircraft that use le template)

{'version': {'orig': '1.1.0', 'new': '1.1.1'}}

Added a jettison knob to the fa-26 by Afroman

July 29, 2021, 4:42 a.m.


-Added jettison knob


Fixed third mfd's brightness adjust by Afroman

July 7, 2021, 3:15 a.m.


-Fixed 3rd mfd not being affected by the brightness knob


Fixed third mfd not turning on in a hot start by Afroman

July 7, 2021, 3 a.m.


-Fixed third mfd not turning on in a hot start


Updated mfd positions by Afroman

June 12, 2021, 11:36 p.m.


Updated the mfd positions so it glitches out a bit less.


Fixed actor nulling by Afroman

June 12, 2021, 11:16 p.m.




Init Release by Afroman

June 12, 2021, 8:18 p.m.


have to do this


Version: 1.5.2
Author: Afroman
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Multiplayer Compatible