Microsoft Sam ATC Voice Pack

Alpha 1-1, cleared for take off!

This is my example voice pack for the Custom ATC mod. You will also need to download custom ATC for this voice to appear in-game. If you want to make your own ATC voice pack, download this one and have a poke around to see how it works. Failing that, @ me on the discord!

Change Log

July 5, 2020, 3:55 p.m.


Fixed the numbering of the letters from "0" "1" "2" to "00" "01" "02" so the callsign are correct Also, it turns out 4 wire lines are needed, so those are added. Pls fix any voicepacks you made if they had these issues

{'user_uploaded_file': {'orig': <FieldFile: uploaded_files/OC6GY5ykF8/>, 'new': <FieldFile:>}}

July 5, 2020, 3:54 p.m.


Fixed the numbering of the letters from "0" "1" "2" to "00" "01" "02" so the callsign are correct Also, it turns out 4 wire lines are needed, so those are added. Pls fix any voicepacks you made if they had these issues

{'version': {'orig': '1.1', 'new': '1.2'}}

July 4, 2020, 3:13 p.m.


Added the new LSO lines!

{'version': {'orig': '1.0', 'new': '1.1'}, 'user_uploaded_file': {'orig': <FieldFile: uploaded_files/MC9PkgYizp/>, 'new': <FieldFile:>}}

Version: 1.2
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Voice Packs
This mod requires
    -Custom ATC