FlatScreen - Bug Report

No Multiplayer, Misaligned Workshop, F45 Audio bug(with fix)


This mod works really well for the single player campaign and missions but there are a few bugs and a major problem with it. First and most importantly there is NO multiplayer support. More specifically when you join a lobby or make your own you are unable to to click anything in the panel with all the planes. Like you can't choose your plane and squad, load out, briefing, or even leave the lobby. This sucks because I have been messing with this mod to get my friend without a vr headset to get into this game with me. Secondly, the workshop is pretty bad. When asked to choose the vehicle you want the button is off center so you have to click around the screen till you get the plane you want, and then once your in you cant scroll up or down so you have to basically go in VR first and install the missions you want and then launch the mission through the "installed" tab. lastly, when loading in with the F45 with any mission I don't get any audio. I found a fix however, I have to turn on the battery and turn the MFDs on and in the "GAME" page I click restart and once I load back in ill have audio. Also in the workshop when it asks you which vehicle you want to choose, the "hitbox" is in the middle to the right of the names and its pretty small.

Reproduction Steps

Affecting Mod Version: 1.0.2
Severity: Minor
Status: Open