Steam Queries

Assembly: ModLoader.dll

Namespace: ModLoader.SteamQuery

Inherits from: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour


SteamQueries is used when you want to get some information from the Mod Loader's workshop, not VTOL VR's workshop. This is an expensive operation. Each call makes a TCP request to the console app running in the background, which then makes the steam request and then a TCP response.

This class attempts to use UniTask, which is a async implementation for Unity games to reduce the freezing on the player. The ModLoader has this compiled directly into it, so no need to reference it.

Source Code


GetSubscribedItems Returns all the workshop items the player has subscribed to
GetItem Returns the one specified workshop item, even if they are not subscribed to it
GetLoadOnStartSettings Returns what items the player has on load on start
DownloadItem Starts the download of a workshop item


using ModLoader.SteamQuery; namespace Docs; [ItemId("docs.steamquery-example")] public class Main : VtolMod { private ModLoader.SteamQuery.SteamQueries _steamQueries; public async UniTaskVoid Awake() { _steamQueries = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<ModLoader.SteamQuery.SteamQueries>(); await GetSubscribedItemsExample(); await GetItemExample(); await GetLoadOnStartSettingsExample(); await DownloadItemExample(); } private async UniTask GetSubscribedItemsExample() { var currentPage = 1; const int maxPages = 100; while (true) { if (currentPage > maxPages) { // Just stopping it if it goes too far break; } var pageResults = await _steamQueries.GetSubscribedItems(currentPage); if (pageResults == null) { break; } if (!pageResults.HasValues) { Debug.LogWarning("Get Subscribed Items didn't have any values"); break; } foreach (var item in pageResults.Items) { Debug.Log(item.Title); } currentPage++; } } private async UniTask GetItemExample() { var response = await _steamQueries.GetItem(3260883756); if (!response.HasValues) { Debug.LogError("Could not find the item"); return; } foreach (var item in response.Items) { Debug.Log(item.Title); } } private async UniTask GetLoadOnStartSettingsExample() { var settings = await _steamQueries.GetLoadOnStartSettings(); foreach (var workshopItem in settings.Data.WorkshopItems) { Debug.Log($"{workshopItem.Key}={workshopItem.Value}"); } foreach (var localItem in settings.Data.LocalItems) { Debug.Log($"{localItem.Key}={localItem.Value}"); } } private async UniTask DownloadItemExample() { // Will wait for the download to finish await _steamQueries.DownloadItem(3260883756); } public override void UnLoad() { } }