Debug Camera Controls
The game has a debug camera which the developer uses to view around the different actors in the scene from his desktop. These are the controls for it.
Insert - Enables/Disables
[ - Moves back an actor in the list
] - Moves forward an actor in the list
. - Speeds up time (0.1,0.25,0.5,1,2,4) (Single Player Only)
, - Slows down time (0.1,0.25,0.5,1,2,4) (Single Player Only)
/ - Sets the time scale to 1
Tab - Enables/Disables Gun shooting from mouse
Left Shift + Scroll - Changes FOV
h - Enables Head debug (Doesn't seem to work)
v - Switches camera mode from free to chase and vice versa
t - Does something called tgtMode (Doesn't seem to do anything)
RightShift + A - Changes something to do with Exterior Audio