Frequently Asked Questions

Where do I download the mod loader?

You can only download the mod loader directly from Steam. Make sure to install it on the same hard drive as VTOL VR.

The website version is being soon deleted.

I found a bug in the mod loader, what do I do?

You can ask in #modding-help for some assistance, if you feel like it's a serious bug with the mod loader it's self. You can either report it to a me or create an issue on the Gitlab repo

Will custom helicopters exist?

At the moment, the developer has requested us not to use any of the DLC code so sadly no mods will be approved that take away from the current DLC.

Where is XYZ Mod?

Some mod developers have opted to hide their mods until they are able to update them to work with the latest version of the game.

How can I play multiplayer with Non Modded users

Modded players and non modded players can not play together, so you have to launch the game normally through steam to play without mods.

Can I play with non modded users


I can't download it from the website

The Mod Loader has moved over to Steam and the Steam Workshop. Please download it from there and mods from the workshop. Mods on the website do not work with the Steam version