Old Mods
Old Mods Download - Old Mod Loader 5.4.1
Mirage 2000CX
Oo - la - la, monsieur what is this finery you bring to us. Its a kick ass Gen 4 fighter madame!
By Bovine74
In folder himvqdtd
Officially Multiplayer Compatible
New Bugs:
To play the available campaigns and scenarios go to Steam Workshop after loading the mod and selecting your pilot, select either:
Latest update
Thanks go out to the following for either help, new code, code I have ripped off or just simply ideas and shit talking:
C137, Temperz, kano, Baan, Cheese, Marsh, nebriv, Ketkev
The Mirage 2000C-X is a new aircraft to be flown in single player or multiplayer missions on the latest stable release of VTOL-VR. The Mirage is based off the 2000C because I like the old school analogue aesthetic. It has more modern radar systems, with longer range detection and lock ons, air to ground radar (not the same as the chopper), and has its own fully tested against reality flight model. Notes: A youtube tutorial will be uploaded on how to startup and fly this baby. Link: the model is not completely mine, its partly mine, and partly purchased, the cockpit is almost completely mine. If this bothers you I would go and pee into the wind, or I can add you to the steam user ban list
Known Bugs: i) Nav Map bugs out occasionally STILL ii) I have seen the odd multiplayer client crash, however new code and release should improve things
If you have any to report please use the bugs reporting tool on the site, if you ask in the discord chances are I will miss it completely. Report here and I can keep track of all bugs and release updates.
Custom Sounds
Replaces RWR, Betty and AI voicelines!
In folder 3daljjpl
This mod allows you to add/change the voice lines/sound effects in the game. This mod replaces the old custom wingmen, ATC, AWACS and betty mods by combining them into one.
In order for this mod to work, you will need to download voice/sound packs and add them to your game.
This mod can replace the sounds for:
- Wingmen
- Betty, RWR and other similar systems
Wingmen need to be enabled in the settings menu.
Compatible with multiplayer!
Creating voice packs
The structure of a voice pack is very simple and easy to modify. The root folder of the voice pack contains a .txt file. This contains the voice pack's name and lets the mod know where to look when loading sounds.
Each voice pack folder contains a bunch of subfolders, it loads the .wav files in the subfolders to replace the sounds in the game. The subfolders must have the correct names in order to replace the sounds, the .wav files can be named anything.
Please use these example voice packs as a reference when creating your own voice packs:
Custom Weapons Base
By DankuwOs
In folder xivnzzkv
Based on Temperz87's NotBDArmory, backwards compatible
A new mod for loading all of your custom weapons utilizing new functions added by Baha. Does not include any weapons by itself.
Big thanks to Temperz87 for creating NBDA in the first place.
When creating assets, please use this template manifest.json. Old style still works but if your mod depends on a dll the new one should automatically load it.
Media Controls
Links MP3 stream buttons with external media player. Spotify, Itunes,Windows Media Player etc
By .Marsh.Mello.
In folder vtzgco5u
Media Controls give you the ability to link your in cockpit buttons to the window media buttons on your keyboard.
If the application would respond to the media buttons on your keyboard, this mod will work. Just launch the program in the background and when you load the mod and start using the buttons it should work fine.
@jakecraige for adding support for the volume knob to control just the music player in !1 update 2.0.0
@thegreatoverlordofallcheese for adding chrome and edge into the list of supported multi media applications in !2
By DankuwOs
In folder vlcqsl3m
Danku Dynamics Armory
Requires Custom Weapon Base
A blatant rip off of Not BD Armory. A blatant rip off of BD Armory. A blatant rip off of your mother.
Has loads of baller munitions and attachments. Like floaties, swing wings, thrust reversers, funky missiles, suicidal missiles that love circles, observant missiles that love circles, horny missiles that have 12 children who are also suicidal, a fucking orbital laser, head tracked missiles, head tracked missiles with a gun on it, and you can attach like 14 GAU-8's on your jet.
It's still very WIP at the moment and some things may have been broken by the 1.5 update,
Swing Wing FAQ (V0.1)
I can't see the F/A-26 with swing wings in the aircraft list:
Correct, the swing wing is an add on for the F/A-26, you will need to equip it before the mission starts using the equipment terminal.
How do I use the swing wings:
The wings should start in the "Auto" position, this means they will automatically choose the best angle for your current airspeed.
Can I change the Angle manually:
Yes you can, grab the Wing sweep lever (the yellow lever to the right of the throttle grip), press the "counter measure" button once to change into manual mode. While in this mode the lever dictates the sweep of your wings, forwards means extended and backwards means retracted or "full sweep".
Special Thanks
- Neo - Tutorial V0.1
- SolBreaker - Gif Footage
- Boris - Models & Textures
AirTraffic 2
In folder r4j4svlp
#Note for old Air Traffic users: The mod no longer spawns aircraft. You need to create a mission with AI aircraft spawned in.
AirTrafic 2 will take control of idle AI aircraft in your missions and order them around!
Not compatible with MP yet... :(
FA26B Block 3
By Afroman
In folder 4cxjh2oz
#Some neat features
###Third MFD: Increase your situational awareness by having a whole-ass third MFD!
###Air to Sea Radar: There's two new buttons on the radar page! The "SEA" button toggles into the sea radar and changes the scan line to orange. The "GPS-S" buttons creates a GPS point on the currently locked sea target. If the sea target is moving, it will set the GPS point further ahead of the target in order to increase the chances of the AGM-89 to hit it.
###Jettison Knob: Similar to the jettison knob in the F-45, you're able to quickly decide when and what to jettison.
###Master mode buttons: A triad of buttons that selects or deselects weapons depending on what situation you find yourself in. With the added benefit of deselecting pylons that are empty
- ALL: Selects all of your weapons
- AIR: Selects air to air weapons
- GND: Selects air to ground weapons
###Damage MMFD page: A new MMFD page that displays the current health of major components
###Dampened flight controls when refueling Flipping the refuel port switch reduces the joystick sensitivity and decreases the engine spool rate in order to make the daunting task of aerial refueling a little more bearable ###Mod Settings: Switch MMFDs: If enabled, switches the position of the left and right mini MFDs
###Works with official multiplayer!
Thanks to Danku for testing the mod when I was too lazy. May he forever be a funkmaster
F 35 Conversion
Converts the existing F-45 into an F-35 by moving back the canards
By ketkev
In folder h5cboi4h
Converts the existing F-45 into an F-35 by moving back the canards
GAV25B OPFOR Custom Aircraft
Da Komrad it is the better A10
By Bovine74
In folder lzo7ogjk
The GAV-25 is based on the in game OPFOR aircraft. With a custom cockpit, flight model and engine system, the GAV-25 Bullshark is a VTOL, ground attack vehicle.
Thanks to: Boris for the cockpit, new mesh and substance assistance Bot212 for the image
mini brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt returns!
By SydneeFlop
In folder 2d77cwxy
It's back!
The A-10th is back baby!!!
your favorite little piglet has returned back to the market better than ever. After months of being busy and getting distracted I finally made a few requested changes
Tips for using it in combat
- use the TGP's PIP mode for guns, rockets, and bombs
- if the PIP mode doesn't work, or you can't bring a TGP, use the top of the dash as a marker for bombs. Put your target about an inch below the dash
And just because I really like it
Babies first Hog!
your little pilot will be flyin' smooth through the skies! With the all new A-10th "Piglet"!
with the all new patented mini pylon technology, your tiny A-10 can carry FULL SIZED LIVE ORDINANCE!
you heard that right folks! you can teach your junior Maverick how to commit war crimes at the young age of 8! Perfect time for little Timmy to be practicing his GBU employment tactics!
Now I know, the lack of a Heads Up Display may seem scary, but trust us! with hundreds of tests on little pilots of our own, their squishy little brains learn how to compute advanced trigonometry incredibly fast! And can hit targets with precision unknown to CCIP and CCRP reticles alike!
Now, get out there and have some wholesome fun!
A10 "Piglet" and all accessories are only meant for pilots age 4-10, please avoid use if child is under the influence of any performance enhancing, or altering amphetamines
Thanks to BNanaRamen for the header image!
ATC Radio Chatter
Foxtrot 3-3, You are cleared for landing!
In folder 3fdku6wn
Ever wanted to hear the communications between ATC and the AI? Well, this is the mod for you! This mod makes the ATC talk to the ai as they take off and land. It contacts them by their callsign, so you don't get confused. Any AI units without callsigns will automatically be assigned funky callsigns such as sierra 8-4 or tango 2-3. Compatible with Air Traffic and Custom ATC.
By SydneeFlop
In folder 4qylhmxs
Released bcs I got bored lol might update it later
uhhhh X15 go fast lol
it underperforms bcs of VTOl being gae but it can hit 200,000 ft
Credit to BNanaRamen for the header image!
Crumman F 14B Tomcat
By DankuwOs
In folder 7si7kyfo
#This is a FLYING AIRCRAFT CARRIER (LITERALLY), changing the name would make anybody updating the mod have 2 differently named versions, and also wouldn't be funny.
#The long awaited legend has arrived.
####Two seater carrier capable aircraft, featuring a unique flight model, revolutionary cockpit, new gameplay elements, and entirely badass.
The Crumman F-14B Tomcat is not in any way affiliated or referencing real world organizations or aircraft. Similarities are purely coincidental.
The aircraft contains two cockpits for you and only you to switch between, the first cockpit contains everything you need to steer and fly your Tomcat. That being a steering wheel, a big throttle lever thing thats hard to reach, and the rest of your standard F/A-26B style cockpit.
You might be wondering "Why does this boat need all that engine" and that's because that thang do be flying. Hit the flight mode button located to the right of the steering wheel to switch to the usual stick and throttle you're used to. When taking off from the ocean the water sometimes gets a little in the way, we've developed a super secret cant tell you technology to solve that. Hit the takeoff mode whatever thing to the left of the steering wheel ish to raise your boat a little more over the water and recieve less drag, then just pull up and fly.
The second cockpit can be switched to via the switch seat button located just to the right of the base of the steering wheel i think maybe, that will then move you down to the epic cockpit. This one gives you a TSD with all of the normal stuffs but also a new custom page for controlling your units. The UCS (Unit Control System) gives you a top down view of your aircraft showing the locations of all the equipped units and their status. There is also two elevators you can select to move up and down for any aircraft that have landed on you. To enable each weapon you need Master Arm on. You can toggle each weapon to be armed individually by pressing them and hitting the toggle arm button in the bottom left. You can also force them to fire on a specific target by selecting a target on the TSD, EOTS, or maybe something else idk, and clicking the fire button in the bottom right.
The aircraft has a good few weapons. An M230 Gunny gun, Phalanx CIWS, Mk 29 Launcher firing RIM-162 ESSMs, a UCAV Launcher launching MQ-101s that are manufactured on boat infinitely and speedy through epic secret manufacturing technology, GLSDB Launcher firing GPS glide bombs or something idk, and an ASM launcher firing some anti ship missiles or something i dont remember im kinda giving up on writing this..
The UCAV Launcher and GLSDB Launcher may require you to wait for them to get into position first before firing.
##Satisfied Customer Reviews
** Syrillic**: "wtf man, you made me get so excited for this shit. It probably took longer to make this mod than it would to make an actual f14 mod. Go fuck yourself"
Mwiadro: "Come on man? You really had to do us like that?"
el_alixo: "ummm.. you are an aircraft carrier"
Zuulomyx: "Whenever I launch the new F-14 mod I get put into the bridge of a supercarrier instead of the plane. It just seems kinda mean."
nuggi nugget: "Is it just me who downloaded a f14 tomcat mod and it was an aircraft carrier instead?"
Danku: "What? Not Grumman F-14B Tomcat?! What is this? Some kind of April Fools 2023?"
F45 Touchscreen Target Selection
By Afroman
In folder 7klv3fg4
Allows you to select targets by pressing on them in the TSD. Great for quickly selecting targets or if you want to be ATC in multiplayer
Side note: Added a decimal place next to the altitude of the target, so 10,210 feet shows up as 10.2 rather than just 10. Should make it a bit easier for ATC
F16 Betty and RWR Pack
Bring the F-16's iconic Betty aural warning system and RWR into your jet.
By Quantify
In folder l22ntju7
This pack requires the Custom Betty mod loaded to function. Download it here:
A sound pack for Cheese's Custom Betty Mod that replaces default voice sounds and RWR tones with the F-16's Betty. All tones are from the real aircraft.
RWR tones are as realistic as possible - some elements of the ALR-69 suite remain classified. In cases where there is no real-life sound available, I have used custom ones to suit the mod. There is no "shoot" or "pitbull" tone in the real F-16, so they are custom-made for this mod, spliced from other F-16 sounds.
S Cam Plus
Adds more modes to the existing S-Cam!
In folder oez467ve
How to use:
Same as the normal S-Cam, just keep cycling through the modes till you reach the modes I added!
-New camera modes-Hides your mouse pointer!
-Ability to change the roll of all camera modes
-Many many settings
-Compatible with multiplayer™™™
New Modes:
-Ace Combat
This camera mode tries to keep your aircraft and the closest aircraft/your locked target in the frame at once. Good for dogfights/recreating scenes from your favourite fighter jet anime!
Now the TPG can be recorded with ease!
-Smoothed TGP
A smoothed version of the TGP so you can pretend you have a drone!
-HUD Mode
Now the HUD can be recorded with ease!
-External Camera
Allows you to film the external camera angles from the Cam menu on the MFDs
-Smooth Zoom
A camera mode that is the same as the normal smooth S-Cam mode, except when you look at a vehicle it will zoom in on it!
I plan to add more modes in updates!
@ me if there's any more modes you want
- Refactor
- Add saving
- Add pancake UI (like AI tweeks)
- Make mouse pointer hiding optional
- Refactor camera modes to run on fixed updates and interpolate in-between frames for consistent camera moves.
Auto Refuel
Too lazy to refuel? Have I got the mod for you!
In folder dm4vwzc3
Are you too lazy to do air to air refuelling? Have I got the mod for you! Simply fly close to a fuel tanker of your choosing, and open the fuel port. Then a state of the art autopilot system will take control and automatically refuel for you! Simply close the refuelling port when you are done, and continue doing more of whatever it is you like to do in VTOL VR. (Obv make sure your fuel tanks are not full)
Custom Scenario Assets
Custom AI Units and static object for your scenarios!
In folder 7ekcqp7f
##Allows you to load and save new static objects and custom units into the VTS files!
-Makes it possible to add new custom static objects and custom units with mods!
Comes with:
-Placable aircraft carrier catapults and arrestors!
-A Brius!
###Scenario Creation Instructions:
Note: Uploading scenarios to the workshop has been disabled because if a user without this mod attempts to play the modified scenarios, their game will softlock.
Simply load the mod in the main menu, then enter the mission creator. All the assets are under "static objects", you can place them and they will be saved in the VTS file of the mission. If you upload them to the workshop, make sure to disclaimer them, and remind people that they will need to download this mod, and whatever other assets your mission requires.
###Asset bundle instructions: I will make a proper video tutorial for making the asset bundles, but for now, I will just have these text instructions. First step, make a prefab, the origin will be the part that touches the ground. Attach the VT Static Object or an AISpawn component to the prefab. Do not use spaces in the name of the prefab as it causes problems with the VTS system. I recommend prefixing the prefabs name with your username. Do this to avoid overlapping names, someone else might model the same thing as you. The prefab name is what is used to identify the object when saving and loading, so avoid changing it at all. Please remember to use unitys LoD system so that tiny details are not being rendered at all times. Next, create the asset bundle, you can find instructions online, or ask on the discord. Make sure the file extension is ".csa", this is how my mod knows that your file should be loaded as an asset bundle. Next, create a folder in your mods folder and place the .csa inside of it. When it works and you are happy with it, you can create the .json and upload to the modding website. When uploading assets, try and keep them in "themed" packs, or just upload them all as a pack of your assets under your name, rather than individual models. This will avoid users having to download large numbers of individual mods to play missions, which would make everything harder for everyone.
These instructions are probably not terribly helpful, so feel free to ask me for help on the discord!
Custom Nametag
Want your name on the side of a fake plane?
By Afroman
In folder yw5buc2n
Adds either your pilot name or a custom name on the left side of the FA-26B
X02S Wyvern Custom Aircraft
By Bovine74
In folder ryuh46ye
The X-02S Strike Wyvern is the strike aircraft from the Ace Combat series. It has a fully modeled exterior and interior done by the always amazing modeler Boris, and has its own flight model and configuration.
It has a forward swept wing configuration, with auto adjust wing tips when the auto button is switched on (left hand side of the cockpit, green means Auto Sweep is on). You can also set the wing sweep using the sweep switch to open or closed.
The X-02S Strike Wyvern can achieve turn rates in excess of 35 DPS, and has almost insane low speed stability. It is stable up to about 1.8 mach at low altitudes, and can reach upto around 3 mach at high altitude.
The Wyvern carries a bunch of the latest missiles, uses a TSD like the F45, and has very small RCS making it highly stealth capable. It has 11 Hardpoints though the no 11 is really reserved for the railgun which will be released later.
The EOTS is similar to the F45, with a longer range and easier lock on. However to compensate its lock on is harder to hold on target. The EOTS can be controlled on the joystick, and the joystick includes a button to make the EOTS the SOI when on the TSD, and a knob on the side that will increase or decrease the zoom, meaning you have better HOTAS.
The TCS can also be controlled by two knobs and a button on the throttle. If you have trouble locking on with the radar, then let go of the joystick and regrip (something is bugging the joystick selector).
Known Bugs:
SABRE Upgrades
By コテ
In folder nglllt5e
Adds in a new Engine Configuration for the FA26, F45, and T-55 engines. These Engines can be selected in the loadout configurator so if you want to switch back no need to uninstall anything. IMPORTANT This mod requires Custom Weapon Base. Do NOT load the SABRE Upgrades mod itself in game as it could cause issues(or do nothing), ONLY load the Custom Weapon Base Mod and it will load SABER on its own. The selection should show up under Hardpoint 19(FA26), Hardpoint 14(F45), and Hardpoint 12(T-55) .
Thanks to DankuwOs for making the Custom Weapons Base which you can find here:
Note Multiplayer Compatibility is questionable i haven't had any time to test it but if you run into anything just submit a bug report.
Tacview Data Logger
Record your VTOL VR flights for review in Tacview!
By nebriv
In folder ctvzwocs
VTOL VR Tacview Data Logger Mod
Hello and welcome to the VTOL VR Tacview Data Logger mod!
It's been long time in the making and a fairly significant undertaking for me. The Tacview data log allows players to record their flights in real time and save all enemy, allied and player vehicle flight data. The data log (in ACMI format) can then be opened within the Tacview software for review, tactical analysis and determination as to why exactly the carrier did not clear you to land!
Just a couple of notes to start off with. I'm not a game developer and I don't work in C#, so I may have taken some shortcuts. I'm well aware this mod is not as well optimized as it could and should be. On large maps with numerous actors this mod could introduce significant lag as it loops through and collects all the necessary data. Future iterations will be able to handle this a bit better.
Example flight (2v2) on Akutan
Highlighting the various Tacview models
Fox 2! Showing off the flares and missile tracking
Even supports bombing runs!
Rolling scissors with an ASF-33.
So thats why I wasn't cleared for a conventional landing...
To use the mod simply install the mod, launch the game, and enable the mod. At the time of writing it is important that you enable the mod every time you start the game. Once you begin a flight scene the data logger will automatically begin recording, as of now there is no positive indication of the recording in flight.
- Tacview must be installed. I've been developing against the Advanced version, but I believe the starter version should work.
- VTOLVR Modloader must be installed and functional.
- VTOL VR must be legitimately purchased and installed.
Downloading and Installing
This mod will be available for download on (Insert direct link when uploaded). I would recommend using the One-Click Install function to automatically download the mod.
Alternatively you can download the latest release here:
If you are manually installing you need to place the downloaded zip file in your VTOL VR Game folder inside the VTOLVR_ModLoader\mods\ directory. The mod loader should automatically detect and unzip it for you once launched.
To use the mod simply launch the game via the mod loader (open the mod loader and press play). Once in game, after you click start you should see a "Mods" button. Open the mods page, select the Tacview Data Logger and click load. You should be good to go! At the start of the first few missions (and on those of particular importance) I would recommend browsing to the TacViewDataLogs folder within the VTOL VR game folder, and making sure you see a new folder with today's date and time, in that folder should be the three files described below.
Data Structure
All flight recordings are stored in the VTOL VR Game Folder under TacViewDataLogs. Within this folder multiple folders with the datetime stamp of the flight will be created. Within this flight folder three files should be created.
- datalog.acmi
- This is the primary datalog created for viewing in Tacview. With Tacview installed, you should simply be able to double click this and open it.
- customHeightMapXML.txt
- This is custom XML used to display the exported heightmap. See the heightmap section below.
- This is the heightmap data. Copy this file into C:\ProgramData\Tacview\Data\Terrain\Custom. See Height Maps/Terrain for more details.
Logged Parameters
All active actors (vehicles and projectiles) within a scene are logged. The following parameters are generally all logged. Some ground and water vehicles may not contain all applicable data.
- Altitude
- Location
- Callsign/Designation
VTOL VR models can be added to Tacview via the following steps:
- Copy the vtolvr.xml file to C:\ProgramData\Tacview\Data\Database\Default Properties
- Copy all the .obj files from the assets folder into C:\ProgramData\Tacview\Data\Meshes
All VTOL VR models are properly of Boundless Dynamics, LLC. except the F-45 and F/A-26 Models created by F/A-26B on the VTOL VR Discord Channel.
Height Maps/Terrain
Height maps are generally generated and exported at the start of every mission. They will be located in the mission's datalog folder. You should see customHeightMapXML.txt and To use this heightmap in Tacview follow the below steps.
- If you haven't done so, copy the CustomHeightmapList.xml file from C:\Program Files (x86)\Tacview (beta)\Data\Terrain\Custom into C:\ProgramData\Tacview\Data\Terrain\Custom.
- Copy the .data file to C:\ProgramData\Tacview\Data\Terrain\Custom.
- Copy the contents of the customHeightMapXML.txt file (Except for "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>") into the new CustomHeightmapList.xml (C:\ProgramData\Tacview\Data\Terrain\Custom\CustomHeightmapList.xml) between the <CustomHeightmapList> nodes. Any XML parsing errors in this file will cause Tacview to not properly load the terrain.
Reporting Bugs
If you wish to report any bugs you can do so by creating a new Issue in this Github repository or you can contact me on the VTOL VR modding discord (@nebriv0001). When reporting bugs please include as much detail as possible including steps to reproduce. If possible please include your player.log file as well as your TacviewDataLogger data for the mission(s) in question.
Known Issues
- Bullets "bounce" back and are reused when fired for a long time.
Planned Features
- Additional performance optimizations.
- Live streaming to a Tacview Client near you! I plan on adding functionality to enable live streaming of data.
- Additional telemetry data.
- Support for Explosions/Chaff/Shrapnel/Smoke.
Contributors/Resources/Special Thanks
- BahamutoD, of Boundless Dynamics LLC.
- The creator of VTOL VR has been supportive and a great resource in my development efforts. Of course without his significant undertaking VTOL VR wouldn't exist in the first place.
- Ketkev and .Marsh.Mello.
- The developers of the VTOL VR modloader have been essential to helping me dive into creating mods, debugging, and optimizing. Without their support I would have given up long ago.
- Frantz Raia, of Raia Software inc.
- The developer of Tacview patiently supported my endeavors as I learned the Tacview tool and its capabilities. He provided significant guidance towards my efforts of getting custom heightmaps into Tacview.
- The guys on the VTOL VR Modding Discord Channel!
- GentleLeviathan, Temperz87, THE GREAT OVERLORD OF ALL CHEESE, and many more people. Everyone has supported me in someway or another - whether it is through long and late nights of debugging, feedback on videos and GIFS, or just supportive commentary when the rough got rougher.
- F/A-26B on the VTOL VR Discord Channel
- He provided guidance and a couple of custom plane models to use within Tacview.
- TheFalcon
- He graciously created the header image you see above! Check out his awesome work at
F16C Fighting Falcon Viper Mod
By Bovine74
In folder dq6vaeq3
It's back in all new form, the F-16C Viper custom aircraft mod. Now works with FA-26 basic missions, and you can create your own missions by loading the aircraft first and using the mission editor. Works with the official mp if you create scenarios containing the aircraft.
This aircraft has its own full flight model, instruments, as well as a DED that provides you with information on recently fired missiles.
It also comes with the new Nav Map from the Tejas/Wyvern as well as weapons appropriate to its loadouts.
There is no limiter on the speed btw, if you do above 1.2 Mach at sea level, or 1.4 at 5k it will become instable just like real life
What time is it? Time to get a watch!
In folder xpmfyiff
A watch for your left or right hand to tell you the time! Works in MP so you can be absolutely certain you are playing it at 3 AM
Convair F106A
By sexgod420
In folder qkjxyl36
The Convair F-106 Delta Dart was the primary all-weather interceptor aircraft of the United States Air Force from the 1960s through to the 1980s. Designed as the so-called "Ultimate Interceptor", it proved to be the last specialist interceptor in U.S. Air Force service to date.
This is an early version of a CSA unit.
Maximum speed: 1,325 kn (1,525 mph, 2,454 km/h) at 40,000 ft (12,192 m) Mach 2.3
Service ceiling: 57,000 ft (17,000 m)
F18 Betty and RWR Pack
"Flight controls, flight controls!" Bring the F/A-18's aural warning suite into your cockpit.
By Quantify
In folder 5nmnmehc
This pack requires the Custom Betty mod loaded to function. Download it here:
A sound pack for Cheese's Custom Betty Mod that replaces default voice sounds and RWR tones with the F/A-18's Betty. All tones are from the real aircraft, custom-made by me.
The RWR suite is as accurate as possible, with a few extra additions for situational awareness. Various sounds are removed to emulate a realistic Hornet experience (e.g. chaff/flare.)
Saab JAS 39 C Gripen
🇸🇪 Swedish engineering at it's finest! 🇸🇪
By NotPolar
In folder 5evoxi7f
You might know Saab for their cars, but have you ever heard of their jets? The Saab JAS-39 series of light fighter jets were built for versatility and can perform a wide range of tasks such as reconnaissance, air-to-ground and air-to-air.
***NOW WORKS WITH VTOL VR v1.9.5+!***

Multiplayer compatibility is not yet confirmed but might work, please tell me if you try!
The model isn't made by me, but heavily edited and "fixed" in some areas. Interior buttons and MFDs are taken from BCAT.
Includes a custom Litening TGP and External fuel tank (3500L).
Not entirely bug-free.

Enjoy the mod and submit feedback over on the VTOL VR Modding Discord @notpolak (Polak) or submit a bug report on here!

Known bugs:
- AIM-120 missiles are broken and will pitbull randomly, use the mod [Jank missiles]( to get working AIM-120s! - NAV page is a bit broken and the map might glitch out - G-limit is a bit low, for now turn the G limiter off when turns are needed. - Wobbling at high speeds due to flight assist.Future features:
- MIRRORS! - New knobs and switches - Some general cleaning up in the cockpitCustom Instrument Lights
By Afroman
In folder 53uyxagy
Makes the instrument and cockpit lights of all the aircraft glow whatever the heck you want. Works with the bleeding edge multiplayer mod too. Haven't tested it with the base multiplayer mod, but decent chance it will work for that too. For bleeding edge it definitely works as of version 2.4.7.
In folder 36e67qjc
Compatible with multiplayer!
Adds contrails to every engine above 5000m. I'm not quite sure the effect looks good enough, so tell me if you know how to make it look better!
TSD SAM Circle
By Afroman
In folder leqsthoa
Shows estimated range of a SAM's radar based on your current radar cross section. Updates in real time as you lose external weaponry
-The estimation is based on the F-45's starboard(right) radar cross section (a worst case scenario)
-Keep in mind, you are way more stealthy facing directly towards or away from the radar, so you can still enter the SAM circle without being detected
Cheeses AI Tweaks
Many small tweaks and improvements to the games AI!
In folder qjz3scqr
Ever wished the AI seemed more human? This is the mod for you!
####-Persistent Settings
Settings are saved between sessions of VTOL, so you only have to set them up once!
####-MP Compatible!
It works with the multiplayer mod!
####-Control Noise
This setting adds noise to the inputs of the AI. This makes them wobble around and make them look much more human. The intensity and frequency of the noise are adjustable so you can make the aircraft seems extremely drunk just for fun!
####-Wing Rocking
The AI aircraft will rock their wings on contact with the enemy to indicate they have seen them. I read Biggles once and I thought it was cool.
####-Drop Tanks
Normally the AI will only drop their fuel tanks when they are completely empty. However, you can customise it so that they will drop their fuel tanks on contact with the enemy, to give them the edge in the fight!
####-Enemy Ejector Seats
Adds ejector seats to all of the enemy aircraft that are manned. Now finally the ASF are safe as well! Also adds crew that bail out of the AWACS and refuel plane when they are destroyed!
By default, you cannot collide with AI aircraft that are taxiing in VTOL. This setting allows you to change that! You can enable the collisions on the ground so that you can ram into other aircraft, or alternatively, you can disable collisions in the air, allowing you to fly through other AI.
Only specific allied aircraft in VTOL are equipped with RWR systems. This setting will give RWR to all the enemy aircraft and the allied aircraft that don't have it. This won't necessarily make the AI better at fighting, but it will increase their situational awareness of threats. This setting is disabled by default.
Edit: I have successfully cyberbullied Baha into making this stock on the public testing branch.
####-Evasive Manuevers for Large Aircraft
The KC-49 and E-4 are not normally allowed to notch and perform other evasive manoeuvres to avoid incoming missiles, this setting allows them to try. It's unlikely to actually save them from missiles due to the lack of countermeasures and the low manoeuvrability of the aircraft.
####-Googly Eyes
####-Inverted AI
This used to be its own mod, but it's now included in this mod. Quite simply: it makes all the fly AI inverted! Why? Why not!
Tomcat Weapons Pack
You can't have the plane, but you can have the weapons!
By Bot212
In folder a7haoabk
New weapons soon™ Credit to Danimag for the screenshot and testing
REQUIRES CUSTOM WEAPONS BASE (in case you didn't know)
Weapons containted: AIM-54
All your favorite overacted weapons in one pack!
NotBDArmory CWB
A mod that strives to add custom weapons to VTOL VR
By DankuwOs
In folder 6xxiw7eb
#Inspired by BDArmory
Requires Custom Weapon Base
###Created by Temperz87 and maintained by Danku
Special thanks to these amazing modellers.
- [NotBoris](
- Mallikas
- Malx
- [Bot212](
- [OncomingStorm](
- And [GentleLeviathan]( for some juicy particles, as well as the many testers who endured me pestering them to help me test MP!
* Mod is still in the early staged of being ported over to CWB.
Vanilla Weapons Extension Pack
Vanilla, but more, and better.
By NotBoris
In folder tzpyqiam
#Adding more mount options to vanilla weapons.
#Contents: #F/A-26B
- ##CFT AMRAAM x 4/8 F-15EX style, AMRAAM mounts on the CFT
- ##CFT Mk 82 x 8/16 F-15EX style, Mk 82 mounts on the CFT
- ##CFT Mk 82 Snake Eyes x 8/16 F-15EX style, Mk 82 Snake Eyes, custom model, mounts on the CFT
- ##CFT GBU-12 x 4 F-15EX style, GBU-12 mounts on the CFT
- ##CFT GBU-39 x 16 F-15EX style, GBU-39 mounts on the CFT
- ##CFT GBU-53 x 16 F-15EX style, GBU-53 mounts on the CFT
- ##CFT GBU-38ER x 8/16 F-15EX style, JDAM-ER. GPS guided 500lb bomb with folding wings, mounts on the CFT
- ##CFT GBU-54ER x 8/16 F-15EX style, JDAM-ER. Laser guided 500lb bomb with folding wings, mounts on the CFT
- ##MER GBU-38 x 6 GBU-38s on a Ordtech Multiple Ejector Rack
- ##MER GBU-38ER x 3/6 JDAM-ER. GPS guided 500lb bomb with folding wings on a Ordtech Multiple Ejector Rack
- ##MER GBU-54ER x 3/6 JDAM-ER. Laser guided 500lb bomb with folding wings on a Ordtech Multiple Ejector Rack
- ##MER Mk 82 Snake Eyes x 3/6 Mk82 Snake Eyes, custom model, on a Ordtech Multiple Ejector Rack
- ##MER Mk 82 x 6 Mk82s on a Ordtech Multiple Ejector Rack
- ##GBU-38 ER JDAM-ER. GPS guided 500lb bomb with folding wings for long range engagement.
- ##GBU-38 ER Internal x2/4 JDAM-ER. Internal bay mounted GPS guided 500lb bomb with folding wings for long range engagement.
Makes landing on the carrier easier
By Afroman
In folder r6e24mwf
(note: currently unavailable for the AV-42)
#Video tutorial
Youtube video--> <--- click me!
#Text Tutorial (A little more in depth than the video) ##HUD Elements There are two new HUD elements.
-The Glide Slope Reference Line (G-REF): the G-REF is a line that is 3.5 degrees below the horizon and is enabled when you put the hook down.
-The Ship Relative Velocity Vector(SRVV): is a red velocity vector that is relative to the ship (meaning that wherever you point the vector on the ship, that's where the nose gear of your plane will land). The SRVV enables when MAGIC CARPET is enabled and you MUST request landing on the carrier that you wish to land on in order for the SRVV to activate
##Flight Control Laws -Throttle: The throttle no longer controls the engines. It only disables MAGIC CARPET when you go into afterburner
-Joystick: Controlling yaw and roll is the same as normal, however moving forward and aft on the joystick no longer controls pitch (pitch is automatically controlled and kept at 5 degrees above the horizon). Moving the stick forward and aft now moves your SRVV up and down, which makes glide slope corrections simpler to make
Put the hook down to see the Glide Slope Reference Line (G-REF)
Important: Use the comms menu to request landing at the carrier you wish to land on. This is so the Ship Relative Velocity Vector (SRVV) knows which ship to use as a reference.
Enable MAGIC CARPET by pressing the pickle button (the button you use to switch weapons). MAGIC CARPET will only enable while your Master-Arm is off and your landing gear is down.
Move the stick forward or aft in order to align the G-REF a little bit below the carrier's OLS(the glide slope lights)
Once the G-REF is aligned, move the stick forward or aft in order to align the SRVV with the G-REF
After hitting the deck, go into afterburner or press the pickle button to disable MAGIC CARPET(TIP: Your SRVV should be a little bit ahead of the wires in order to catch them)
##Description This mod is based on the U.S Navy's MAGIC CARPET system for their F/A-18 super hornets. It aims to emulate the flight control laws in order to make it easier to land on the boat in the FA-26B and F-45.
X02S Strike Wyvern Custom Helmet
By NotBoris
In folder c33np5v7
Custom helmet for X-02S Strike Wyvern
For custom liveries name it mat_Wyvern_Helmet.png
Graphics Settings
In folder l23afn76
Allows you to customise the graphics settings in VTOL VR!
Slightly increase the visual quality or potato the entire game to get more frames, whatever you want! Settings are persistent so you can keep your settings between sessions. Please don't get all graphics elitist on me, or I'm sending you all straight to the gulag.
By Temperz87
In folder rdlorz2z
Gain the thrust of an SR71 and beyond, dominate your oppressors with your insane thrust and out-speed your adversaries. Can also turn off g forces and fuel drain.
Check Mod Settings to edit these values or default thrust will be used.
Larger Unit Icons
Makes the unit icons easier to see!
In folder vx6xwdmc
This mod makes the unit icons larger so they are easier to see! It also makes it so you can see them from any distance. I may add more setting to this mod to tweak the size or adjust the ranges it can be seen from if anyone asks me for them.
Hand Signal Commands
Tired of that pesky comms page?
By Afroman
In folder 4dv4c47o
Order your wingmen and launch off a carrier using nothing but thumbs up, peace signs, and the bird. Make a hand gesture then press the trigger to execute the command. The catapult launch and rearm command should be compatible with multiplayer!
Edge 540
Ha ha propeller go nyooooooom!
By Adrian
In folder uxbntkfq
If any help is needed, please contact Adrian_#6969 on discord, I'll do my best to assist you.
The newest mod of the 5, the Edge 540. The Edge 540 is a small, single seater race plane. Sadly this is the most unfinished mod of the 5, because everything was made by hand (other than the code) the model on this mod was the main focus as it was meant to be sold. So the functions are incredibly limited. The most painful part of this mod is that it was the easiest to make, because the cockpit and startup is 3 switches.
List of known bugs:
The plane is incredibly small, so it floats 20 ft off the ground
The throttle is hidden outside of the cockpit
90% of the cockpit is hidden outside of the walls
The propeller on the nose does not spin (this was beyond annoying in development)
The control surfaces do not move at all
Absolutely nothing has changed to the functionality, or flight model from the FA-26B
French Air Missile Pack
Have fun blowing stuff up, Freedom Missiles
By Bovine74
In folder 7iwdk4io
This is a pack of three French Missiles designed to be primarily used with the Mirage 2000C-X custom aircraft.
Matra 550m Magic II - Short range IR, air to air missile, similar to the AIM9-X, slightly less agile, but with a better initial speed burst.
Matra Super R530D - Semi Active Radar, similar to the AIM-7, you need to keep your target radar locked.
MBDA Meteor - Modern BVR missile, using ramjet technology this missile flies further and faster, utilising high end radar and maneuvering designs this missile is one of the deadliest you can buy.
GIAT 30 - The dual cannon of the Mirage, is a perfect choice for that dogfighting Mirage, it is specially designed for this
BAGU-3773 - A little fun missile, that is superfast and maneuverable, but has no explosive warhead and just makes a bonk noise on contact. Listen to the sound whilst watching SCAM for the ultimate Moulin Rouge experience.
Now work with all suitable aircraft including any custom aircraft. Internal Bay versions of the weapons have now been included for use in the f45.
Unity chan Voice Pack
Powered by Unity technologies!
In folder zd46rjbm
That's right, you can now be supported in battle by everyone's favourite mascot: Unity-chan! Is she qualified to fly that aircraft? I can't say...
You also need the custom wingmen mod for this voice to show up in-game.
Advanced Info
Ever wondered how loud you're blasting Ace Combat music in the cockpit?
By Shosoul
In folder tsffpvls
Shows more detailed information about what's going on inside the plane, including:
- Engine and APU RPM%
- Battery Charge%
- Media Player Volume%
- Landing Gear Status
- If your launch bar is hooked
Much more to be added soon!
DirectInput joystick and keyboard support for VTOL VR
By frdhog
In folder twr27qgs
A mod to allow for DirectInput devices or the keyboard to control VR elements such as the joystick, throttle, flaps and so on.
Bindings are saved in VTOL VR\SaveData\triquetrainput.xml You may need to create the SaveData folder if your binds do not save.
By frdhog
In folder zj7ylyrf
AKA pancake mode.
Use TriquetraInput to fly with your joystick(s) or keyboard.
Hold right mouse button to look around or use TrackIR.
Use middle mouse button to click buttons, flick levers and toggle doors. Using your scroll wheel allows you to turn knobs, also move levers and adjust throttles.
To easily get into the game with FlatScreen, make this mod's "Load On Start Check" true in "VTOL VR\VTOLVR_ModLoader\settings.json" (this is only until LOS is re-added to the modloader properly). If FlatScreen isn't part of the list, check and uncheck the "Auto Update" checkbox in the launcher so that the settings.json is updated.
To scroll up and down menu lists, use the arrow keys.
Anti Ship Missile Pack
By NotBoris
In folder oano242h
#Requires Custom Weapons Base
- ##SOM-J Compact, internal bay, low RCS, anti-ship cruise missile for the F-45A
- ##AFM-13 Anti-Fleet Missile. Optically guided, FAF, air launched, cluster cruise missile. With 48 submunitions each capable of sinking a ship.

Smoke Mod
Adds a switch in the cockpit to turn on a smoke trail behind you.
By .Marsh.Mello.
In folder t276rqpk
You can set the colour in the mod settings page where you load the mod and also change the lifetime of the smoke (default 5)
Known bugs
- The switch still says APU under it
- Some particals don't get shifted when the world shifts
Does it work with Multiplayer
No not really, only the client with see their own smoke.
Can you bind it to the trigger?
I may do this in the future.
More Countermeasures
By KaveXD
In folder 2hlom6ub
This mod adds additional countermeasures (200/500/1000) with an equip (check first custom CWB slot)
Requires CWB.
If you load CWB, it will automatically load this mod if you have both installed.
Vehicle Turrets
There's no such thing as "too much firepower"!
In folder qxxeerll
Adds additional AI gun turrets to your vehicles! Also adds preset views to allow you to see from the gunsight as it rains death.
Turrets: -Phalanx CIWS -Main gun from the cruiser
@ me on the discord if there's any other interesting gun turrets you want welded to your vehicle!
Mega Radar
Shows you the location of all enemies on the NAV page.
By Temperz87
In folder kzoeirbf
Will detect every enemy and place them on the NAV page. @Temperz87 on discord if any problems.
No G Limiter
By SamW
In folder e7tlj54h
Disables the F45 G Limiter.
MaccyDs Real Feel Snack
For when getting milkshake down your pants is your thing
By Bovine74
In folder qxlbku7e
For when the bobblehead is not enough and you want that real feeling of dropping into the Drive Thru and then your dinner flies back through the cockpit as you taxi or take off.
Includes real world physics so the drink and bag fly away.
LeMieuxs Explosion Revamp
By LeMieux
In folder mvtr5qau
A general just nice thing that makes particles look better. I'd like to thank The Great Overlord of All Cheese and DankuwOs for holding my hands throughout the creation of this.
Music Shuffle
Shuffles the music every time you launch into a mission.
By .Marsh.Mello.
In folder obi67nyd
Shuffles the music every time you launch into a mission so you're not stuck listening to the same songs are the start.
Cheeses GPWS Mod
In folder oivhrs76
Adds an A320 GPWS to your aircraft!
Infinite Fuel
By Shosoul
In folder p2ilzcr7
Infinite Fuel
May destroy your targets, may destroy your framerate
By Bandit
In folder rb43xncp
#Contents: #F/A-26B
- ##BLU-107 Durandal x 1/3/6 Runway denial weapon that spawns a crater on impact
- ##MW1 (WIP) German Cluster Munition Dispenser
- ##Speedbump Speed limit enforced by unguided bomb
- ##CRAM Airdrop (WIP) Airdrops a turret that fires IR Surface to Air missiles
- ##CIWS Airdrop (WIP) Airdrops a CIWS turret #F45
BLU-107 Durandal x1
Runway denial weapon that spawns a crater on impact #AV-42C
BLU-107 Durandal x 1
Runway denial weapon that spawns a crater on impact

Pause Button
When you need to poop, its time to loop
By Bovine74
In folder iipthrxd
Tired? Busy? Phone call? Boss annoying you via zoom meeting?
Simply stick the game into pause mode. Press the P button to pause, and again to restart. Simples.
Infinite Ammo
For those who dont want to aim and instead to Carpetbomb with 100x 1000lbs bombs
By KaveXD
In folder zzau5jgt
This mod simply gives you your ammo back after using it.
Should work on most things hopefully.
I have no clue how to make mods, so if it doesn't work, it is probably my fault.
Last updated for 1.9
A10th Custom Bobblehead
By NotBoris
In folder u324l75v
Yo dawg I heard you like A-10s. So I put an A-10 in your A-10 so you can brrrrrrt while you BRRRRRRRRRRRRTTTTTT
Syds Historic Weapon Museum
Kill things with weapons you might know the name of!
By SydneeFlop
In folder crbfkfue
A collection of famous missiles and bombs from days of old!
all weapons perform accurately to their irl counterparts (or at least they should)
list of missiles
good luck!
Cockpit Desktop
View your desktop from your cockpit MFD!
By vimodev
In folder wj2lh6oc
Allows you to view your monitors, replaces the external cameras in the CAM page of the MFD. As of now unavailable in F45 due to its complicated screen.
Smoke and Mirrors
Convert the F/A-26B into an airshow demonstration aircraft.
By Hotshot
In folder kobuhssm
Smoke System
A smoke system that can be equipped to the gun slot.
- A 200 liter smoke oil tank is installed in place of the gun. The oil is routed to a nozzle that sprays it into the left engine exhaust, where it burns to create the smoke.
- Smoke is only visible when the left engine is running and the afterburner is not engaged. The extreme heat of the afterburner causes the oil to vaporize instantly.
- Four different smoke colors are available (white, red, green, and blue).
- The tank has enough capacity for 20 total minutes of use and can be reloaded.
- The countermeasure controls are replaced with smoke controls.
- Use the smoke panel to arm/pressurize the system.
- Use the throttle forward thumb button (chaff/flare) to turn the system on, and the throttle aft thumb button (unused in the base game) to turn it off.

Additional Modifications
These modifications are always present, but can be individually disabled in the mod settings if desired.
Side Mirrors
- Adds side mirrors so you can get a better look at your wingmen. The side mirrors are identical to the top mirror and can be folded away when not needed.
- Replaces the autopilot panel with a stopwatch. This is used by formation demonstration teams to time opposing passes, landing intervals, and other things.
- None for now, but I have a few more ideas.
Multiplayer compatible. Thanks to Bertmern, Spring, Fenrir, cgann, Kazper, Snowy Blue, and Julian from Hawks & Talks Formation Group and FinnM and Indigo from VTOL VR White Diamonds aerobatic team for helping me test. Thanks to Temperz87 and DankuwOs for figuring out how to add custom weapons. Thanks to Baha for creating the game.
Ultra Instinct F45A
Casper's Ultra Instinct F-45A. "Is that a freaking UFO?!"
By Shosoul
In folder xoo73ssg
By popular demand, my Ultra Instinct F-45A is now usable by anyone! Also multiplayer compatible! You can toggle the thrust and the flight assist in the MFD page.
- Controllable Supermaneuvrability
- Top Speed of Mach 2.75
- Unlimited fuel
- No g-LOC
- Controls respond immediately, flaps have no movement delay
- Extremely fast canopy animation
- Super Landing Gear deployment and retraction
- Over-G Warning disabled for your sanity
Custom BobbleHead
By GentleLeviathan
In folder s7npb47n
It's Bring-Your-Own-Bobble-Head-To-Work-Day! Don't be left out!
Loads an asset bundle and replaces the default "BobblePilot" with your very own. Includes an example bobble as well as a UnityPackage for reference/modifying.
Oku vPad
The portable MFD tablet for your portable needs!
By okureya
In folder 7k4puabl
vPad™ - The portable MFD tablet for your portable needs!
>> Supported VTOL Version: v1.3.0 <<
Have you ever wanted or needed another MFD in your cockpit? Did you ever want said hypothetical MFD to be movable and scalable?
Dream no more, for the vPad™ solves all of these issues! The vPad™ is the all-in-one MFD tablet solution for your MFD needs, brought to you by Oku Co. Ltd.
The MFD tablet hooks into your aircraft's existing MFD manager for maximum compatibility (and minimum developer frustrationage). Isn't that great?!
// Supported aircraft //
- [+] F/A-26B
- [+] AV-42C
- [ ] F-45A
- [ ] AH-94
- << more support coming soon . . . >>
// FAQ //
- How do I install this?
- How do I configure it?
- Go to the "Mod Settings" tab within the Mods menu in-game.
- When will X be done?
- When I feel like it and have the time to do it. I love experimenting, but I'm often busy!
- Y doesn't work.
- Join the modding discord and ask around, or report a bug in my repository here.
- How can I suggest a feature?
- Go to the repository link right above here, and make an issue with the "Feature Request" tag.
// Future work //
- Integrate with custom MFD tabs/pages (tbd.™)
- Make the vPad rotateable
// Credits //
- kano/oku | Original author
- Boris | 3D Modeling
Cheese Overlord ATC Voice Pack
In folder t5nolemq
This is a voice pack for the Custom ATC mod. You will need it for me to be your ATC ;)
Now you can have yours truly as the ATC: THE GREAT OVERLORD OF ALL CHEESE! As we all know I'm very charismatic, and not at all going to bitch about you every time you don't have the exact AoA Quantify designated!
Slow Motion
In folder dweto2p4
Makes the game run in slow motion when you are just about to die!
Picture sponsored by Quantify
TriquetraInput 2
Updates to frdhog's original TriquetraInput mod.
By muskit
In folder b63xs5so
Updates over frdhog's TriquetraInput mod.
This mod allows DirectInput devices or the keyboard to control VR elements like the joystick, throttle, flaps, etc.
Bindings are saved in VTOL VR\SaveData\triquetrainput.xml
. You may need to create the SaveData folder if your binds do not save.
Make sure this mod's "Load On Start Check" is set to true
in "VTOL VR\VTOLVR_ModLoader\settings.json" (this is only until LOS is re-added to the modloader properly). If this mod isn't present in the json, check and uncheck the "Auto Update" checkbox in the launcher to refresh settings.json
Changes from original mod
- fix bug that spams all keyboard bindings when moving certain joystick axes.
- fix mod breaking when a controller gets unplugged
Contributions Wanted!
I've fixed a couple things with this mod, but I won't be focusing a lot on further major expansions and fixes. If you know how to mod, please feel free to fork this mod and send pull requests to my repo; I'd be happy to take a look and potentially merge!
Rainbow Tracers
In folder rs4maxot
Does what it says on the tin, your gun tracers will cycle through the colours as you fire!
Frankys Star Wars
By Freddy2351
In folder 4gg7g7ny
File Size: 10mb
IMPORTANT: In order for the assets to load properly, you must load into the main menu (where you can see the MODS tab) or else the assets won't load!
Please note, the textures may not be up to VR standards. I also DO NOT claim any models used in this pack as my own. All model rights go to their respective creators and/or trademark holders. Follow the links on each asset to see where I got them from.
Z-95 Headhunter (AI)
An older design, but still gets the job done. Armed with standard dual laser cannons.
A-Wing (AI)
Advanced fighter-interceptor. Armed with standard dual laser cannons.
Tie Fighter (AI)
Simple Imperial fighter. Armed with standard dual laser cannons.
Tie Interceptor (AI)
Advanced fighter-interceptor. Armed with 4 advanced laser cannons.
Victory-I Star Destroyer (WIP)
Half the size of an Imperial-Class Star Destroyer, but still packs a punch. Armed with 8 quad-barrel main batteries and 40 dual-barrel secondary guns.
Please note, the VSDI is very tough to destroy. There are 2 shield generators (non-functional), main reactor (bubble on bottom), a communications antenna, as well as 2 large and 2 small engines. All have their own health, but when destroyed, do not damage the main ship health. I am unsure how to allow the damage to carry over once destroyed.
Follow the development on Trello!
Currently Known Bugs:
- Sometimes, loading in the hangar doesn't work.
- Sometimes the AI just refuse to launch.
- The VSD ALWAYS appears at 825m in the air. This is a fault in the game itself.
Upcoming Features:
Models Used:
MaccyDs Snack Time Bobblehead
For when you really need a mid flight snack, why not take a Big Mac and Drink to go. Thanks to Gentl
By Bovine74
In folder o4inzdnz
Ever thought that you could do with a mid flight snack? Are you an AV42 pilot just banging tunes out, shuttling your guys back and forth like an Uber? Why not stop off at the McDonald's on the way and get yourself a burger, fries and drink and plop it on to your dashboard for later.
Great thanks to Gentle for the code and tutorial.
HAL Tejas CAT Implementation
By Bovine74
In folder pyt6ztpn
This is a flyable version of the HAL Tejas Indian Jet Fighter.
It was created as the starter example of the BCAT, Basic Custom Aircraft Template, its not the greatest model, the most exciting of aircraft or the most unusual.
However it is a good place to start implementing simple aircraft.
It also comes with some French missiles to show how to add custom missiles to custom aircraft. To enable these you need to install CWB and enable it.
The aircraft will eventually be released as a unitypackage alongside the source code. A youtube series will also follow showing how to convert this aircraft into another one.
Cortana Betty Voice Pack
By GrizzlyGlizzy
In folder pwjcap5v
This is a voice pack for the Custom Betty mod. You need to have that downloaded as well for this to work.
This is an A.I. synthesized voice of Cortana from Halo.
A band-aid fix for a surgery-problem.
By GentleLeviathan
In folder cuwwq5vp
Experimental Automatic Ground Collision Avoidance System, designed to protect the pilot from G-LOC induced ground collisions.
Let go of the joystick to enable the system, or use the new automatic blackout detection feature to override your lifeless inputs!
Please note: This will not currently prevent CFIT or high-G control loss, only G-LOC-related collisions. Warranty void if engines tilted.
Bee Ultralight
By tytugg
In folder 44nd4j2q
An ultralight plane for just flying around.
This plane has 1 loadout (Bazooka Charlie) for now, but it's not a combat aircraft. Have fun just flying around in freeflight. Try landing on helipads, whatever! ..I don't know if it flies realistically for an ultralight, but I fly RC planes and I think it feels pretty good.
Center stick mode recommended, you can change to centerstick using the MFD
-Feedback can be given on the discord.
OOF death mod
By Temperz87
In folder 3beb6byz
Whenever you die you hear OOF.
HGU33 Custom Helmet
By NotBoris
In folder op2jwftz
yeah yeah yeah I'll get to the Top Gun skins when I have time
Missile Rick
In folder 2jkuhagz
Makes mavericks scream "I'm pickle rick!" when launched, best used with Toxic Cash's missile rick skin
FlatScreen 2
By muskit
In folder mrz6pogi
An update/overhaul of frdhog's original FlatScreen mod.
To easily get into the game with FlatScreen, make this mod's "Load On Start Check" is set to true
in "VTOL VR\VTOLVR_ModLoader\settings.json" (this is only until LOS is re-added to the modloader properly). If FlatScreen 2 isn't part of the list, check and uncheck the "Auto Update" checkbox in the launcher to refresh settings.json
Changes from original mod
- can initialize with VR active
- new mouse controls
- avatar body hidden to more easily see cockpit
- HMCS and NVG now work properly
- less likely to require camera resetting
- certain options now save
- various minor bug/QoL fixes
Hold right mouse button to look around, or use TrackIR. Use left click to click buttons, flick levers and toggle doors. You can use the scroll wheel to turn knobs, move levers, and adjust throttle.
To fly with your joystick(s), use TriquetraInput 2.
Frankys Ships
Adds new AI ships and planes for use in the mission editor
By Freddy2351
In folder shfqerzn
File Size: 50mb
This mod adds various new AI units to VTOl VR. Updated for the newest version of VTOL.
IMPORTANT: In order for the assets to load properly, you must load into the main menu (where you can see the MODS tab) or else the assets won't load!
Please note, the textures may not be up to VR standards. I also DO NOT claim any models used in this pack as my own. All model rights go to their respective creators and/or trademark holders. Follow the links on each asset to see where I got them from.
Follow the development on Trello!
Currently Known Bugs:
- Planes are quite buggy, use with caution.
Models Used:
- Sims-Class Destroyer
- Civilian Yacht
- Essex-Class Carrier
- Elco PT Boat
- Typhoon class Nuclear Submarine
- Nevada-Class Battleship
- Ark Royal
- F6F Hellcat
- F4F Wildcat
- Fairey Swordfish
- B5N Kate
Avatar Hider
By nebriv
In folder cbvwtxa3
This mod hides your player's avatar. There are a couple of settings to configure which parts you want hidden. The hope is to help enable mixed reality content recordings, however that's proven quite difficult due to alignment issues
Microsoft Sam Betty Voice Pack
In folder 4ldcs72j
This is my example voice pack for the Custom Betty mod. You will also need to download Custom Betty for this voice to appear in-game. If you want to make your own Betty voice pack, download this one and have a poke around to see how it works. Failing that, @ me on the discord!
Synthetic ATC Voice Pack
Replaces the ATC's voice with a sleek, synthetic-sounding voice. The future is now!
By AtrociousAmbition
In folder 5iimwppv
This mod serves as an alternative voice pack for the ATC. It replaces the ATC's voice with a sleek, synthetic-sounding voice pack, similar in concept to something like Jarvis from Iron Man. All voice work done by yours-truly. Requires the CustomATC mod to function in-game.
Jester AI for the T55
You never, never, leave your wingman
By Bovine74
In folder xcph3wad
Requires CWB!! Install CWB and enable or you will not be able to add Jester AI
Have you ever felt lonely when flying the T-55? Don't have any friends? Or just want someone to shit talk you from the back seat?
Jester will call out:
Over 300 custom callouts.
You will need to install CWB, and then add the Jester AI to the extra hardpoints on the T-55. Simply equip on one hard point.
Future updates to include:
Russian Betty
By adi_mix
In folder dfce6glc
Hello friends) this is my first mod to change betty voice to RITA that used in Sukhoi's and MiGs from 1980 - Present. To make this work please download Cheese's Custom Betty first. So far everything works..I will maybe update it to have more distortion like a real cockpit bot voice.
Fromans GPWS
By Afroman
In folder 2odjza3q
Adds the A-320's GPWS to all the vtol aircraft.
#Read me if you want to change the voice lines
- Go to the "GPWS Lines" folder and replace/add a wav file
- You are able to add a voice line for any altitude you want, just name the audio file the altitude (in feet) you want the voice line to play at.
Locker Room Bypass
I hate locker rooms they are for bros..
By Bovine74
In folder qrss3xeb
Ever get annoyed by having to put on your helmet? Don't want to faff around in the locker room?
In truth the best use for this mod is if you are a modder, I used to get annoyed at having to always put on my headset to test the mods, so that is fixed by simply disconnecting your headset and running the game, most of the buttons can be bypassed by using the vrinteract options at console, however you cannot bypass the locker room as far as I know.
This mod simply fades you out as soon as you load in to the Locker Room and takes you into the mission.
Subtitles Mod
Adds subtitles to many of the AI communications!
In folder 7sszewba
Does what it says on the tin! Please tell me on discord if you cant think of ways to improve this mod!
Has subtitles:
- Wingmen
- Ground Crew
Doesn't have subtitles:
- Refuel Plane
- Mission Dialog
By Afroman
In folder csujmvcu
Adds a big ol radar dish to the AV-42c and a very basic radar display
This is a very wip mod which I may never finish. However if you're up for it, the github repo is linked :)
By CocoaGeek
In folder u7hecykv
This simple mod adds a wall-clock and mission clock to the cockpit of the player vehicle.
Supported vehicle:
- A/V-42C
- F/A-26B
- F-45A
SciFi Pilot Helmet
Literally just helmet template lmao
By SydneeFlop
In folder hstlzudp
How to make a helmet mod
- Duplicate the helmet mod file in your mods folder
- Make the assetbundle
- Make sure the helmets parent transforms are 0, 0, 0, scale 1, 1, 1
- Edit the things in helmetinfo.json
- Change mod name and description in info.json
- Play
- Nuclear reactor containment building
- Turbine building
- Cooling tower
- Chimney
- frdhog of Triquetra Input for showing what can be done
- Thanks to for extensive testing and bugfinding
- Bhaptics_integration
- Thrust of your vehicle
- DLC Helicopter based on rotation speed and drag torque
- Ground acceleration and landing
- Collisions with other objects or missiles
- Heart beat for Over-G dependend on G-Force magnitude
- Cannon
- Carrier Hook
- Ejection seat
- None
- Working OLS systems
- Convolution bloom! Bloom created by putting both the game and an aperture thingy into the frequency domain, multiplying them, and then putting em back! Wowie that sure is real!
- Depth of field! Circle of confusion? Disk kernels? Based on the f-stop? Don't know how it works but it does!
- Motion Blur! That sure is sampling the colors in vectors generated by a voodoo magic shader and averaging them out! Surely doing this in the screen space cannot cause any visual errors??? No possible way the ground can sample my plane. Nuh uh!
- Exposure & ISO! Surely using some bullshit made up math i pulled out of my ass cant not be physically based!! Both a truly physically based (go down before PP, go up after PP. real!) and a do everything beforehand mode! f/
- Noise based on that ISO! Can be toggled if you're cringe, the higher the ISO the higher the noise! It's your fault you're using an f-stop of f/640 at night time and want to see!
- Maybe something else i dont even remember!
- You have an awfully slow PC!
- You cranked the settings!
- I fucked something!
- Horribly optimized shaders / code!
- Make it very pretty (custom model, textures)
- Turn it into a veritable flying death machine that can be spawned as a CSA custom unit >:)
- mausoflb | Model (attribution CC-BY)
- kano/oku | Original author
- land based wind turbine
- floating offshore wind turbine
- Oil storage tank
- Ctrl + F in the editor will reload the mission, subjecting it to changes committed on its VTS file.
- Alt + F in the editor will reload all missions in memory so you can load a new mission.
By Silver
In folder hjlizwmu
This mod adds additional functionality to the RWR to play additional sounds where the vanilla game doesn't. Currently, this mod only adds a new sound to distinguish when a new air radar source has been detected versus other threats.
The mod works as a standalone mod, but it also works in conjunction with the Custom Sounds mod. For Custom Sounds packs, this mod uses the newContactBlip sound as the sound for a new surface radar contact. Currently, a newAirContactBlip sound is packaged with the mod, but the mod will likely be updated in the future to allow modders to package their own sounds in a single mod file.
Special thanks to Danku | Funk Master for helping me create this mod by walking me through making my first ever Unity game mod. He made it so developing this mod was really straightforward.
Note: The waterfall sound as part of this mod is a custom sound I created referencing a Military Channel documentary on youtube found here: YouTube. You are free to use the sound as you see fit. I am thinking of ways to upload the other sounds I've made since a F/A-18 rwr sound pack already exists. If you have any questions, I can be found on the VTOL VR discord under the nickname Alice.
Additionally, if you care to use all of the sounds I have made and replace them within a sound pack for Custom Sounds, all of the custom sounds I have made for the ALR-67 can be found on GitHub. Feel free to use them in a pack as long as you credit me if released to others.
Controlled stable flight at 85 degrees AOA
By NotBoris
In folder 36nsjios
#REQUIRES CUSTOM SCENARIO ASSETS Yeah yeah yeah flyable will come later. No dunno when. No we don't need test pilots.
No Gravity
This is the example mod, which adds the ability to toggle the gravity by pressing two buttons on you
By .Marsh.Mello.
In folder jwu6447r
This is the example mod, which adds the ability to toggle the gravity by pressing two buttons on your controllers at the same time.
You can view the source code over at gitlab
Carrier Skijump
Who needs catapult when you have ramp!
In folder db5wbyko
Adds a procedural ski-jump to the LHA and the carrier! Comes with settings to adjust the size and shape of the ramp. Compatible with multiplayer™™™!
Always Winter
In folder 7q3qn7z4
Makes every map snowy! Except for Akutan, Akutan is possessed by demons.
Redone System Sounds Betty
By TheRealSourc3
In folder tvbvugl7
A sound pack for any aircraft. Replaces GCAS, RWR and other system warnings with more intuitive sounds, based on seriousity of the warning.
Serious warnings are higher pitched. Some sounds are shorter so it doesn't become too distracting.
You need this mod to get it to work:
If you want to know what it sounds like, here is a short video:
Crusader Helm
By Afroman
In folder 2y4h4fix
Replaces the helmets with honor
Helmet model created by NotBoris
Nuclear Power
By patatorcbf
In folder 5p3okkyo
A set of Nuclear Power Plant:
All buildings are destructible.
All models and textures by myself.
Bananas Per Second
...and other terrible units of measurement!
In folder li4cii3q
Ever wanted to know exactly how many bananas per second your aircraft is going? Then this is the mod for you!
There's a .json file in the mod folder, it can be edited to add even wackier measurement units! Ierdnas? Washing machines? Feet? Now no one can stop you from measuring things in these terrible incomprehensible units!
Thanks to Tau_Avali for many of the units!
Cheese Overlord Wingman Voice Pack
In folder gwpegnev
This is a voice pack for the Custom Wingmen mod. You will need it for me to be your comrade ;)
Now you can have yours truly as a skilled wingman: THE GREAT OVERLORD OF ALL CHEESE! As we all know, I am the best pilot ever, and won't eat 16,000 SAM whenever we fly slightly near enemy territory!
Blood Ocean
In folder yhgz5khn
Adds static objects for Custom Scenario Assets mod
By Mallikas01
In folder 2onqxekz
Adds a huge cargo ship static, so you can recreate the funniest event of 2021 so far. I'm planning to add more objects when I find the energy, like cargo cranes, oil tanks and more ships.
NOTE: You also need the Custom Scenario Assets mod
BUG: The objects are visible through the fog
Enhanced Situational Awareness System
By コテ
In folder phr6ecan
Enhanced Situational Awareness System is a new Equip that provides 3D Position Callouts of units around your Craft.
Currently GEN 1 is the only version that is out and delegates its users to an Air to Air role as the ESAS replaces the TGP.
Later Generations will provide vastly Improved capabilities and even have their own Weapons they will be able to integrate with for more Lethality.
ONLY THE FA26 has the new equip for right now.
Multiplayer has not been tested but should work in theory.
Many Thanks to DankuwOs for making the Custom Weapon Base which you can find here
Japanese Joestar ATC
By Unjust_Flame
In folder m6vylcbp
sam ATC, but hes angry and has that anime voice that tries to be american. He will scream at you to land. Its up to you if you do.
Unity chan Toon Shaders
...It's like one of my Japanese animes...
In folder l23ak4sy
Replaces the shader of many materials in VTOL VR with the Unity-chan toon shader
Obviously, a mod that pretty much arbitrarily replaces shader has some rendering issues. I can fix some of these at a later date, but others are impossible or would be more effort than it's worth to fix.
Known bugs:
AI aircraft canopies are white
The F/A-26Bs default texture doesn't show correctly with this shader as it has its own special shaders which causes it to incorrectly use the detail texture as the main texture, just load a skin to get rid of it.
The colour changing battery indicator lights don't work
The shadows in VTOL have always had issues due to the large size of the levels, the shader tends to exaggerate these issues
Custom ATC ShikokuMetan Voice Pack
By bashishi
In folder pgw6i3n7
This is the Japanese voice pack of "Shikoku Metane" for Custom ATC.
You will need to install Custom Sounds separately from this.
The voice was created with VOICEVOX.
動作させるにはCustom Soundsもインストールしてください。
音声は VOICEVOXで作成しています。
Microsoft Sam Voice Pack
In folder h4m6xcjw
This is my example voice pack for the custom wingmen mod. You will also need to download custom wingmen for these voices to appear in-game. If you want to make your own voice pack, download this one and have a poke around to see how it works. Failing that, @ me on the discord!
ADAPT Armory
By Sh1llelagh
In folder cnauiwbw
Adds a bunch of random stuff I felt like making.
Current additions:
Single engine F/A-26B w/ JATO.
Wing Remover for F/A-26B
F/A-26B Tail Turret
JATO Instructions (KIX engine):
Spool up engine and put JATO switch to "ARM." Put engine into afterburner to engage JATO.
Uses Custom Weapons Base. Press Load on CWB in the In-game mods menu, it will automatically load this.
Known issues:
-It is impossible to take off or detach from a catapult while using the KIX engine.
-In missions with a hot start, ground crew may refuse to rearm and repair an aircraft using the KIX engine. To fix this toggle the JATO arm switch.
-When setting another MFD page as SOI while the TRT MFD page is set as SOI, the TRT MFD page will not be SOI disabled. Both MFD pages will be slaved to your thumbstick.
VTOL VR Telemetry
Outputs flight telemetry data to UDP and CSV files.
By nebriv
In folder usetddjq
Outputs flight telemetry data to UDP and CSV files. Useful for debugging, learning the limits of various airframes, and passing off to motion seats.
By Temperz87
In folder egxprwje
Moves all the guns to your left hand.
Only In The Navy
By Goose
In folder fkamkif7
Glues a carrier onto your plane for reasons unexplainable.
Dinosaur Gura Custom Helmet
By NotBoris
In folder 5hbn2zf3
Model from the amazing Sea Foam Boi
It's Shark Week this week!
Microsoft Sam ATC Voice Pack
Alpha 1-1, cleared for take off!
In folder 77can4tl
This is my example voice pack for the Custom ATC mod. You will also need to download custom ATC for this voice to appear in-game. If you want to make your own ATC voice pack, download this one and have a poke around to see how it works. Failing that, @ me on the discord!
By KaveXD
In folder lkx2uu4y
A mod that adds a loadout option to have more thrust/efficiency.
Currently only features one Engine for the T55.
Requires CWB.
If you load CWB, it will automatically load this mod if you have both installed.
2 Things for now: It doesnt have a 3D model yet and the TWR is buggy when this engine is selected . Might fix those issues later if i know how to (I don't know how to create a 3d model).
Also big thanks to Sh1llelagh who told me how to make a mod like this.
The Terminator ATC Voice Pack
By GrizzlyGlizzy
In folder d3shfccf
This is a voice pack for the Custom ATC mod. You need to have that downloaded as well for this to work.
This is an A.I. synthesized voice of Arnold. Now you can enjoy the feeling of being scrutinized and commanded by the man himself.
BYO Joystick
Provides extensive control remapping support with a friendly UI
By sicsix
In folder 2seuv7za
Updated for VTOL VR 1.10.1.
BYO Joystick allows you to use your HOTAS, keyboard, and other input devices with VTOL VR.
It has a user friendly interface for binding controls on a per aircraft basis and supports both multiplayer and multicrew vehicles.
NOTE: For any bug reports either join the VTOL VR modding Discord or post an issue on GitHub.
Wing Fold
Now you can fold your wings in flight without them exploding!
In folder cuvtu6u4
Does what it says on the tin! Your wings can be safely folded in flight! Good for stunts I guess... I will add the name of the first person to complete an inverted tunnel run with the wings folded to this page ;)
Congratulations to Quantify for being the first person! Good job!
Automatic Cinematic Camera
Make your own more randomly shot movies
By Bovine74
In folder mr3khbxh
Switches through the various FOV, Reset Time, Audio, and Look Mode options randomly.
Doing so it gives your SCAM a more randomly cut feel, that you could never do in game whilst flying.
Best results can be achieved using the Random camera option. I did turn off Camcorder as this works the least well in my opinion, and who wants lots of shots of your head close up?
Should work with SCAM too
CFA44 AI Boss Fight
By NotBoris
In folder r4yhsuka
#REQUIRES CUSTOM SCENARIO ASSETS CFA-44 AI Unit, has 12 VLS cells, 3 anti missile missile launchers, 1200+1200 chaff and flare, CIWS, way to friggin much HP and unlimited missiles.
You're not expected to win.
Have fun.
Upload footage to the Discord with you winning against it, no weapon mods, 1 on 1, alive afterwards, and I'll add your name down here
## 1v1 champions:
Hiraeth (26B) (+Guns Only)
Danimag (26B) (+Guns Only)
Angel (26B)
Angel (26B)
Lyrvis (26B) (+Guns Only) (No Terrain)
Strikeeaglechase (26B) (No Terrain)
jazt0n (26B) (+Guns Only) (No Terrain)
twobraincellsinatrenchcoat (26B) (No Terrain)
FanatSors (26B) (+Guns Only) (No Terrian)
twobraincellsinatrenchcoat (T55) (+Guns Only) (No Terrain)
twobraincellsinatrenchcoat (AH-94) (No Terrain)
twobraincellsinatrenchcoat (42C) (+Gnus Only) (No Terrain)
1v2 champions:
Lyrvis (26B) (No Terrain)
jazt0n (26B) (No Terrain)
twobraincellsinatrenchcoat (T55) (+Guns Only) (No Terrain)
twobraincellsinatrenchcoat (42C) (+Guns Only) (No Terrain)
1v3 champions:
Tortle (26B) (No Terrain)
twobraincellsinatrenchcoat (T55) (+Guns Only) (No Terrain)
twobraincellsinatrenchcoat (42C) (+Guns Only) (No Terrain)
1v4 champions:
twobraincellsinatrenchcoat (T55) (+Guns Only) (No Terrain)
twobraincellsinatrenchcoat (42C) (+Guns Only) (No Terrain) (First Try)
Bhaptics integration
By McFredward
In folder ywnjety7
A bhaptics integration mod into VTOL VR
#####The name of the mod folder must be
or it doesnt work.
This mod was created mainly for the TactSuit X40, have not tested it on the X16 or with the other additional equipment (even if there are some events which activates all of them). Will try to add support for these in the future (after I bought them some day).
Skill Issue
By Temperz87
In folder ixocidwx
You know what? I'm TIRED of you idiots coping and seething. "Oh no, I can't missile intercept? Game unplayable refunded" or "I can't G-Pull to dodge a missile? I'm filing a bug report" So you know what? FINE! TAKE THE MOD. I get it, skill is hard, you have a skill issue, you suck at this game, so here you go. No G damage. It's gone. The game's easier. Wah wah go launch 30 amraams against the same target and be surprised when they all miss.
tl;dr: Missile interception is back and G damage is off.
Indian Mirage III Enemy AI Aircraft
Now you can finally fight Mirage III just like in Iron Eagle!
By Bovine74
In folder 5rdt5syg
This is the first new enemy aircraft added into VTOL VR. You will need to install the Custom Assets Mod from Cheese, then extract the zip file into the mods folder, or into a folder for your CSA assets.
Then add the aircraft into your scenario via the mission editor. It should be possible for it to start on the ground or in the air. The mirages will engage.
They have their own engine and aerodynamics, with some simple setups. This is the first of many aircraft I hope to build. The model is pretty poor and has lots of issues but it's the first prototype. Have fun!!
Microsoft Sam AWACS Voice Pack
No, I cannot clear you for landing, I'm the AWACS
In folder 4irnrtdm
This is my example voice pack for the Custom AWACS mod. You will also need to download Custom AWACS for this voice to appear in-game. If you want to make your own AWACS voice pack, download this one and have a poke around to see how it works. Failing that, @ me on the discord!
Dual Weapons
Like A2G or A2A or DGFT but in VTOL VR
By Temperz87
In folder wjnorezx
Joystick trigger fires gun.
Joystick depress fires second weapon.
Throttle depress does MFD input.
Joystick still controls MFD.
Tie Fighter Pilot Helmet
By SydneeFlop
In folder rbmikxmi
Just another helmet mod :sunglasses:
model made by Mickael Boitte on sketchfab
Monsoon Custom Helmet
By NotBoris
In folder gkituhbn
Winds of Deeestruuuuuuction
James May Wingman
By Boonamai
In folder daxfcr2z
Adds the voice of James May as a Wingman.
Some callouts only have 1-2 lines as of yet but I will add more. The rest of the top gear trio:
Jeremy Clarkson:
Richard Hammond
Jeremy Clarkson Wingman
The voice pack you never knew you needed
By Boonamai
In folder zsg64izz
This mod is so genius, it generates gravity. Adds Jeremy Clarkson as a Wingman voice, I tried my best to make it an good mix of comedy and him reacting according to the situation.
The rest of the Top Gear trio:
Richard Hammond:
James May:
Green Hell Modpack
By Bandit
In folder v4qtxk7k
vietnam weapons
Random Ejection
Randomly ejects the player from their plane.
By nebriv
In folder lgbcr2mo
Randomly ejects the player from their plane. This is a proof of concept for a large random failure mod in the works.
Frankys Modern Carriers
Modern carriers for use in custom scenarios
By Freddy2351
In folder 6njknebv
File Size: 22mb
IMPORTANT: In order for the assets to load properly, you must load into the main menu (where you can see the MODS tab) or else the assets won't load!
Please note, the textures may not be up to VR standards. I also DO NOT claim any models used in this pack as my own. All model rights go to their respective creators and/or trademark holders. Follow the links on each asset to see where I got them from.
Heavy Aircraft Cruiser
Fully STOBAR (short take-off but arrested recover) capable unit for use in custom scenarios. Has 6 spawn points, 3 launch zones, and 4 wires for arrested recovery. Multiplayer ready. Has a hangar, but it is currently unused. You can, however, still hover inside and take a look around.
Ulyanovsk-Class Carrier
A mixed STOBAR and CATOBAR carrier for use in custom scenarios. Has 9 spawn points, 4 launch zones, and 4 wires for arrested recovery. Multiplayer ready. Has a hangar, but it is currently unused. You can, however, still hover inside and take a look around.
Follow the development on Trello!
Currently Known Bugs:
Upcoming Features:
Models Used:
Char Aznable Custom Helmet
Paint your aircraft red for 30 percent extra thrust
By NotBoris
In folder dagoexau
Char Aznable's iconic mask and helmet from Mobile Suit Gundam 0079
Vietnam CVC Helmet
By SydneeFlop
In folder mrcfdi3p
you can see the mic, just as you can see the mask in the normal helmet. Cope
Model by olmopotums on sketchfab
By Bandit
In folder yhq6pt3f
CWB is required
Batman Wingman Voice Pack
By GrizzlyGlizzy
In folder fexnlwtt
This is a voice pack for the Custom Wingmen mod. You need to have that downloaded as well for this to work.
This is an A.I. sythensized voice of batman (Kevin Conroy).
Pumpkin Bobblehead
By Bovine74
In folder csqcpyc7
Halloween themed pumpkin bobblehead
Cheeses AI Debug Tools
Engage in unlawful communication
In folder mfg6inev
Use the insert camera on your monitor to debug the AI units.
Good for testing CSA units or developing missions.
FA26B Block 1 mod
For all your mid-cold war roleplaying needs!
By ThatOneSektor
In folder 5tgd2irz
Moves some switches dials and buttons around the cockpit to replace one of the MFDs
Most of the credit should go to Afroman for making the Block 3 F/A-26 mod that this was inspired by.
No Warnings
Fly as reckless as you want with no warnings!
By vimodev
In folder ugqciu5e
Removes all generic common flight warnings such as 'Pull up' and 'Landing gear' along with collision warning beeps.
Additional AAA Units
By Mallikas01
In folder fxjprx56
Requires Custom Scenario Assets mod
Adds three new ground units with long- range anti-air capabilities and a lovely little cargo truck to blow up for the mission editor, for both sides. Might be buggy, probably unbalanced.
Makes the countermeasure buttons separate.
By SamW
In folder jj6kvplh
Makes the countermeasure buttons separate. On oculus press 'Y' for flares and thumstick press down for chaff.
Penguin Missile Pack
By USSR_Llif3er
In folder y4xhlxl7
#Requires Custom Weapons Base
AGM-119A Guided Anti-Ship Missile available in x1 quantity for multiple hardpoints on the 26, 42, 55 and 94. Innovative point and shoot FAF technology and amazing value only $1450 each for a limited time only.
Now you can toss Pingu at hundreds of knots straight into CIWS fire.
Ooogle Cardboard Custom Helmet
VTOL VR now on Ooogle Cardboard!
By NotBoris
In folder ee7v3sld
VTOL VR, now available on everyone's favorite standalone VR headset, Ooogle Cardboard!
Richard Hammond Wingman
Now you can fly with the whole Top Gear Trio
By Boonamai
In folder a36otag7
Adds Richard Hammond as a Wingman voice, best used along with my other mods for
Jeremy Clarkson:
and James May:
A10th AI Unit
By NotBoris
In folder pmpplfxi
#REQUIRES CUSTOM SCENARIO ASSETS Everyones favorite miniature aircraft now a spawnable AI Unit
F4 Phantom jets
By Mallikas01
In folder jmqht2ad
Adds F4 Phantom looking planes to enemy and allied sides. They even have a damage model with destroyable engines and wings! And lod models too.
Cannot be used with carriers lmao
Not multiplayer compatible
Weapon loadouts on pylons are weird
Might be buggy or unbalanced
Winnie The Pooh Wingman Voice Pack
The wingman everyones been waiting for
By GrizzlyGlizzy
In folder mhff45uf
This is a voice pack for the Custom Wingmen mod. You need to have that downloaded as well for this to work.
This is an A.I. sythensized voice of Winnie The Pooh.
(I don't know why I made this either.)
Goblin Glider
I'm something of an aircraft designer myself...
By tytugg
In folder oueaufca
A secret vehicle developed for a military contract. Unfortunately the prototype was stolen and nobody has any clue who it could have been.
Main controls: Throttle, Joystick, and MFD can be repositioned by gripping the handle below them. There is also a separate trigger sphere called WeaponsTrigger that can fire weapons without affecting aircraft control.
Make sure you unfold your wings after taking off, wing fold does affect aerodynamics.
Leaning: Your real-world position influences the aircraft's center of mass. Before flying, center yourself while standing up or seated forward on the edge of your chair so you have room to lean back. (This feature can be disabled using the switch to the right of the MFD).
Engine start, master arm, and wing fold are on your right arm. Visor is activated at the side of your helmet.
Grenades: Press trigger to arm, it will make a beep. Throw when ready.
To transition to forward flight: get some speed in hover, then press UP on the pad of your throttle hand. Going to forward flight too quickly can cause an unexpected backflip.
-Not tested with multiplayer, but it should mostly work
-Not tested with flatscreen mod, but you will probably not be able to use the handheld guns or grenades.
Big Tray class Amphibious Battleship
Naval gunfire support, the 0079 way
By NotBoris
In folder q5yl5kpt
#REQUIRES CUSTOM SCENARIO ASSETS Big Tray-class Amphibious Battleship
X02S AI Boss Fight
By NotBoris
In folder pi3h442o
#REQUIRES CUSTOM SCENARIO ASSETS X-02S AI Unit, has railgun, 600+600 chaff and flare, minimum 2.6 TWR and can pull 50Gs.
Have fun.
Upload footage to the Discord with you winning against it, no weapon mods, 1 on 1, alive afterwards, and I'll add your name down here.
TohokuKiritan Betty Voice Pack
By bashishi
In folder 36aq5fhu
This is the Japanese voice pack of "Tohoku Kiritan" for Custom Betty.
You will need to install Custom Sounds separately from this.
The voice was created with VOICEPEAK TohokuKiritan.
Custom Betty用「東北きりたん」日本語音声です。
動作させるにはCustom Soundsもインストールしてください。
音声は VOICEPEAK東北きりたん で作成しています。
Danku Dynography
REAL Human Eye Simulation in vtol VR*
By DankuwOs
In folder qbe6qd5r
god i hope it works and i dont have to fix anything
You may be wondering,
###"what the hell is this mod",
you'd be correct! It simply adds post processing to the Spectator Cam and Insert Cam. What kind of post processing? The kind that isn't physically real! What kind is that?
includes a few kernels that may suck and may not suck. drastic differences require changing intensity, threshold, and size scale. the high quality toggle toggles using 512x512 or 1024x1024 images for the bloom. FFTs requires power of two because reasons.
Now one may ask, ##"how do i even use it" Easy! When in-game with either S-Cam or the insert cam enabled, press "L" and it will open a gui at the top left, this then gives you control over the following now slightly comprehensible list of settings!
and now one may wonder "how do i create my own shaped aperture real simulation real for real??!" the answer is simple! go to this github page for "the real bloom fr fr" and put any image through the diffraction and dispersion stages of the real bloom fr fr!
one may even say ##"this performs like ass??"
There is a high chance it will either not work or maybe even possibly be extremely slow!
This is due to one of two** things:
*The human eye is not simulated, there is a pupil aperture though!
**That was four things
Catapult Alignment Indicator
It's a catapult alignment indicator, what else would you think?
By The_Faulty
In folder 2aag5blv
#Currently only for the F45. Should appear when you call the tower for takeoff clearance and disappear when you hook onto the catapult.
Strikes Improved Multiplayer SIMP
Every sense I started simp'ing I always hit my shots
By Strikeeaglechase
In folder kevx2ov2
Strikes improved multiplayer (SIMP) enables P2P networking for primary game sync logic, allowing much less desync and more accurate networking
Auto Save Points
It's a Checkpoint System, but worse
By mattidg
In folder fr6lnrta
Have the game Auto Save after a user defined amount of completed missions. The save will overwrite any other saves including user, mod, or mission saves so you can get stuck in a cycle of reloading and dying. I used [Cheeses AI Tweaks] by THE_GREAT_OVERLORD_OF_ALL_CHEESE as a guide to generate the Mod Settings Page and persistent user settings.
Image is from me
Added the ability to use time, missions completed, or both to auto save
Added the option to turn off the player text alerts when the mod auto saves for you
Mod released.
RI 65 Betty Voice Pack
Критический угол атаки! Критическая перегрузка!
By mahorin
In folder kjpe6uei
This mod includes RI-65 voice lines as well SPO-15LM "Birch" RWR sounds.
You also will need to download Custom Betty for this voice to appear in-game.
Preview: youtube
Basic CAT Unity Package
It's a Basic CAT not a Simple CAT...
By Bovine74
In folder oe72sjvp
This is the Basic CAT Unity Asset Package that can be used to create new aircraft. You can find the source code in the link for the actual code and visual studio solution.
However none of this is self explanatory on its own. I will be putting up videos on YouTube to show how to work with the template and code solution.
You are welcome to play around with both if you wish, but I will not provide any support on how to use it prior to releasing the videos. The videos will show you how to take the BCAT and create your own custom vehicle.
You should not download this and try to use it in the game. The zip file is here so it is in a safe place to download it. Trying to load it in game will do nothing.
P1112 Aigaion Heavy Command Cruiser
By NotBoris
In folder bou7wzfc
Big honkin flying carrier with CIWS, AAMs, cruise missiles, and 3 wires
Mass Effect Reaper
Reapers!? What are they doing here so soon?
By okureya
In folder foh2itzg
This mod requires CSA to work; make sure it's installed!
This is a sample mod for CSA that adds a large Reaper ship from the Mass Effect series into the game (and serves as my introduction to CSA). Useful for large-scale battles involving futuristic invaders! Probably...
From tip to base, it is ~1.2 kilometres long. It is currently a static model with LOD and a simple metallic texture, but future plans include:
// Credits //
By DanielMo09
In folder vniboxd4
My first mod with (for now) one missile you can use. This mod is in active development and new versions shall come soon. Use Custom Weapon Base (CWB) to use the mod. INSTALLATION GUIDE: Install CWB and copy the CWB file in this mod. Then open the VTOL VR modloader, after that, press Open Folder. In there select mods/Custom_Weapons_Base/StreamingAssets. There you can paste the current version of this mod.
Super A10
By Danimag
In folder ze5jbftm
What happens if you strap 2 VERY crooked jet engines on a baloon animal
Yske Wingmen Voicepack
Wingman voicepack voice Yske Seky Voice Packs
By Seky
In folder qn26yrjn
I'm bored and locked down so might as well destroy my vocal cords.
Custom wingmen mod required for this to function.
Dynamic Missile Config
By Strikeeaglechase
In folder dbyyltsb
Allows runtime editing/changing of missile stats without having to restart the game.
After starting the game with the mod, edit files in the game folder under MissileConfigs/missiles. Anytime you save a file the missile will automatically update in game
Wind Turbines
By patatorcbf
In folder lb4u2boa
A set of static wind turbines to add in your missions, using CSA :
Three (3) versions of each are provided, with slightly different rotation speeds and lights pulse frequencies, to make nice looking fields.
All models and textures by myself.
Always allow equipment config
Allows to configure loadout, even when the mission doesnt allow it
By KaveXD
In folder fn4yoj6x
This mod allows you to customize your loadout, even if the mission forbids it. Was not testet in mp. Don't forget to report bugs if there are any.
Disclaimer: The creation of this mod has nothing to do with my skill issue in the new campaign.
FlyPT Mover telemetry
By FlyPT
In folder xarwyikl
Sends telemetry data to FlyPT Mover with UDP. FklyPT Mover is a free motion software. More info @
No missile self detonate
No way thats going to turn.. what the f
By Strikeeaglechase
In folder iayu77ne
Prevents missiles from declaring themselves "missed" and self detonating
Mafty Custom Helmet
designated pumpkin dance helmet
By NotBoris
In folder zafzzgfx
"Mafty" from Mobile Suit Gundam Senkou No Hathaway
Oil and Gas
By patatorcbf
In folder tsv5h76r
A set of static objects for Oil and Gas industry, to be used with Custom Scenario Asset
All objects are destructible. All models and textures by myself.
Note : Early WiP, will add flare towers, FPSO, refinery etc... in future update :)
Custom Text
Not the mod we asked for and definitely not the mod we needed
By Shosoul
In folder c6xdbque
Change all the text in the game to be whatever you want! Just go to mod settings in game to find the option.
High Effort Meme And It's Not Even April Fools
By NotBoris
In folder 63aipz4c
Yep. It's exactly what you think it is.
Russian Wingman Gibberish voice pack
By Boonamai
In folder ycgbepwg
Its a mod adding a russian speaking Wingman with real life russian air force radio chatter, but the sentences don't make any sense since I don't speak russian. Its best enjoyed if you also don't speak russian ;D.
Carrier Heading
Actually useless unless you like numbers.
By mattidg
In folder k2pwxgkr
Have the carrier's heading displayed when a Landing Request is made. This uses the Tutorial Display to output the the heading of the carrier you requested to land at. I used MAGIC CARPET by Afroman and Subtitles Mod by THE_GREAT_OVERLORD_OF_ALL_CHEESE as general guides to get this small mod going.
Image is from edited by me. I think it's covered by the CC-BY-SA license, but I'm willing to get sued to find out I guess.
This was very much a mod to test to see how making a mod works in VTOL VR, all I learned is that PostFix is different from Postfix to Harmony.
Better Mission Editor
Ever wanted to get rid of Arthritis? This is the mod for you!
By ierdna100
In folder 4ivdk7j5
Report bugs by using the repository's issues tab!
Adds functionaity to the mission editor. Currently adds:
I'd recommend you enable Load On Start, makes it a lot easier as you won't need VR at all to use it!
To enable Load On Start, make sure to enable "Auto Update" to any mod, reload the modloader, then open settings.json
in your files. Search for the entry for "Better_Mission_Editor" and change "Load On Start Check"
to true
Captains Hat Custom Helmet
Have beard so you can finally look like a real man
By NotBoris
In folder fs5cgyps
A Navy Captains hat, made and released today, for no apparent reason at all, nope.
Haptic GLock
By Strikeeaglechase
In folder m4qryrsu
Feel the Gs like never before. Integration with, allows you to become truly immersed in the fighter pilot experience. Additional integration with PIShock allows you to feel the damage like never before.
Make sure you have Intiface Central running, and edit the settings.conf file with the correct port if you do not use the default.
For PIShock support make sure to fill out the appropriate settings in the file
Thanks for Lynx for testing! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Rita and WT RWR
Russian / Soviet Rita, like Betty along with War thunder RWR sounds
By zooi
In folder g7fs57kg
sounds from war thunder
some sounds are completely wrong in their meaning but there is simply no equivalent without straight up making it either english or removing some immersion by using sounds from different sources which would all sound quite different in tone, volume, etc
for 1.9.5
tbh i only tested with modded planes and sometimes it just combined sounds but should probably hopefully idk not be a problem no idea headset ran out of battery was having too much fun
Titanfall 2 Vipers Helmet
Voodoo One, Viper’s on station. Your journey ends here, Pilot. The skies belong to me.
By bartido
In folder f5cx26eb
My first mod literally ever. I did this on my own time rather then getting better at vtol. Viper is one of the many antagonists in Titanfall 2, He is based off Commander Viper from Top Gun.
Special thanks and Contrubitors/Assets @.marsh.mello. and @dankuwos for Helping my stupid brain in the discord, Boris' mods for supplying everything but the model itself
This work is based on "Viper's helmet" ( by B4TTL3CR33D ( licensed under CC-BY-4.0 ("
Custom SARH sound forked CustomBetty
Replaces SARH sound forked Custom-Betty
By suke0930
In folder 52x4u6wf
This mod is based on The_Great_Overlord_Of_All_Cheese's "Custom-Betty" repository and adds the ability to replace "SARHLockBlip". "Custom-Betty" repository, and added the function to replace "SARHLockBlip".
**No function to replace anything other than "SARHLockBlip"**
It can coexist with Custom Sounds.
99.99% of the code in this mod is from the original repository, and my intervention is only the replacement part.
How to use
You can use it in the same format as Custom Sounds voicepack. Create a new "SARHLockBlip" directory and add your sounds to it.
Forked from original repository
99% deepl Japanese to English
Vtol vrにSamタレットなどのセミアクティブレーダー飛来時の警告音を置き換えるmodです。
"SARHLockBlip" フォルダをボイスパックに作り、そこに音声を入れることにより機能します。
"SARHLockBlip" 以外の音の置き換えはサポートしていません。
By blocklisted
In folder zfhvxci2
Switch BRA readout on the TSD to relative to bullseye.
OpenXR Stick Deadzones
By SomaV
In folder 3rbrtdki
Sets a deadzone of about 10% for OpenXR controller's joysticks. For public_testing only!
Daft Punk Hero Robot Number 1
By bartido
In folder jiuu3hlz
As a wise 2 men once said.
"around the world
Now you can go around the world* while rocking this brand new helmet from Bartido, while listening to robot rock for 30 hours straight.
Being the taller of the duo, you can flex on your short friend in style
*Vtolvr does not support flying around the world.
Daft Punk Helmet (Thomas Bangalter)" ( by NotGabe.001 is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (
MF DOOM Mask and Hood
Only One Fox left, Betty screaming in our ear like were deaf
By bartido
In folder 5bn3r7eh
Pretty self explanatory.
You can now be the Metal Face Vaudeville Villain himself
"Hoodie" ( by Virtual Pandora is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (
"MF DOOM" ( by silentic is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (
In Game Console
I lost my account again so here's a new one
By ierdna100
In folder a6alrz4x
Shows the Unity console in-game, with different colors for errors and warnings. Also is resizeable and moveable, that was surprisingly hard to implement in IMGUI. Enjoy!
Zer0 Borderlands 2 Mod
I get skills for kills / Such a profitable life / I am rich, biya-tch.
By bartido
In folder lwfra4vr
Janky head, not quite right,
Cel-shaded colors still bright
Cool in its own light.
"Helmet Zer0" ( by lefort is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (
Daft Punk Hero Robot Number 2
By bartido
In folder rcnnbrlr
As a wise 2 men once said.
"around the world"
Now you can go around the world* while rocking this brand new helmet from Bartido, while listening to robot rock for 30 hours straight.
*Vtolvr does not support flying around the world.
"Daft Punk Helmet (Guy-Manuel)" ( by NotGabe.001 is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (